Unit 9

Unit 9


Unit 9

1.prepare /prɪ'peə/ v.使做好准备;把…准备好

2.prepare for 为……做准备

3.exam /ɪɡ'zæm/ n.考试

4.flu /flu/ n. 流行性感冒;流感

5.available /ə'veɪləbl/ a. 有空的;可获得的

6.another time 其他时间;别的时间

7.until /ən'tɪl/ conj. & prep. 到…时;直到…为止

8.hang /hæŋ/ v.悬挂;垂下

9.hang out 闲逛;常去某处

10.catch /kætʃ/ v.及时赶上;接住;抓住

11.invite /ɪn'vaɪt/ v.邀请

12.accept /ək'sept/ v.接受

13.refuse /rɪ'fjuːz/ v.拒绝

14.the day before yesterday 前天

15.the day after tomorrow 后天

16.weekday /'wi:kdeɪ/ n.工作日(星期一至星期五的任何一天)

17.look after 照料;照顾

18.invitation /ˌɪnvɪ'teɪʃn/ n. 邀请;请柬

19.turn down 拒绝

20.reply /rɪ'plaɪ/ v.回答; 答复

21.forward/'fɔːrwərd/ v.转寄;发送 adv.向前;前进

22.delete /dɪ'liːt/ v.删除

23.print /prɪnt/ v. 打印;印刷

24.sad /sæd/ adj. (令人)悲哀的;(令人)难过的

25.goodbye /gʊd'baɪ/ interj.& n. 再见

26.take a trip 去旅行

27.glad /ɡlæd/ adj. 高兴;愿意

28.help out (帮助…)分担工作、解决难题

29.preparation /ˌprepə'reɪʃn/ n. 准备; 准备工作

30.glue /ɡlu/ n. 胶水

31.without /wɪ'θaʊt/ prep. 没有;不(做某事)

32.surprised /sɚ'praɪzd/ adj.惊奇的;感觉意外的

33.look forward to 盼望;期待

34.hear from 接到(某人的)信、电话等

35.housewarming /'haʊs,wɔ:rmɪŋ/ n. 乔迁聚会

36.opening /'oʊpnɪŋ/ n.开幕式; 落成典礼

37.concert /'kɑːnsərt/ n.音乐会;演奏会

38.headmaster /ˌhed'mæstər/ n.校长

39.event /ɪ'vent/ n.大事; 公开活动; 比赛项目

40.guest /ɡest/ n.客人;宾客

41.calendar /'kælɪndər/ n.日历; 日程表

42.daytime /'deɪtaɪm/ n. 白天; 日间

Grammar focus

Can you come to my party on Saturday?

Sure, I’d love to.

Sorry, I must study for a math test.

Can you go to the movies tomorrow night?

Sure, that sounds great.

I’m afraid not. I have the flue.

Can he go to the party?

No, he can’t. He has to help his parents.

Can she go to the baseball game?

No, she’s not available. She must go to the doctor.

Can they go to the movies?

No, they’re not free. They might have to meet their friends.

  • 月亮上的憨憨


    靈鬱 回复 @月亮上的憨憨: 为什么和我一样的头像

  • 万劫后余生


    13608503105 回复 @万劫后余生: 要是声音大一点点就好了。。。

  • clever1girl


    今賏 回复 @clever1girl: ❤️

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  • 鋂銍


  • 1884943kwfd

  • 靈鬱
