第1204期:The Guesthouse

第1204期:The Guesthouse


Todd: OK. Daisuke, we're going to talk about the guesthouse. We live at the same guesthouse.

Daisuke: Yes.

Todd: There are lots of people here.

Daisuke: Yep.

Todd: What do you think about the guesthouse?

Daisuke: It's quite nice to meet different people from different countries.

Todd: Uh-huh.. What do you do at night at the guesthouse?

Daisuke: At night?

Todd: Yeah.

Daisuke: Normally, I work quite early so I start working quite early so.. I'm sleeping at night.

Todd: Oh, you don't party with the people or have drinks or anything?

Daisuke: Only on Saturday. But Saturday, after I work. After work, I go to Ginza to have a drink with my workmates.

Todd: Oh, OK.

Daisuke: Then, I come back quite late so maybe I stay here maybe for two hours or something.

Todd: Oh, really? Oh, OK. Do you know everybody at the guesthouse? Do you know everybody here?

Daisuke: I don't think I know everybody but I know some people who come down to the first floor and yeah..

Todd: Yeah, you just hang out?

Daisuke: Hang out. Yeah..

Todd: OK. How long do you plan to live here at the guesthouse?

Daisuke: My plan is I'm gonna live here within one month so it will be four months.

Todd: Four months. Oh, you're going to move.

Daisuke: Yeah.

Todd: Really? Why?

Daisuke: I'm searching for a job in the restaurant. As long as I get the job I'd like to move and live close to the restaurant. Cause the restaurant life is quite long hours so I have to live, you know, live close to the restaurant. Get some sleep.

Todd: Yeah. What kind of restaurant job? Cook or waiter or..?

Daisuke: A chef.

Todd: A chef?

Daisuke: A cook, of course, cook.

Todd: Oh, OK.

Daisuke: I don't get any skills, I don't have any skills so I have to start from the bottom but I want to do the Japanese cuisine.

  • Ariel050203
