


Who is your best friend in class?
Jina is my best friend.
I want to be friends with Minsuo.
I like my partner/deskmate.
Tell me about your best friend.
I like her because she's pretty and nice.
I like him because he's kind and handsome.
I want to marry Jina when I grow up.
We are perfect for each other.
Songjin understands my feelings.
I'm proud of my friend.
I liked her from the moment we met first.
I want to write well like my friend.
Can I invite her to my house?
Is your teacher nice to you?
Why do you like the teacher?
Who's your role model?
I respect Marie Curie.
I want to be a scientist like Marie Curie.
My favorite singer is Rain.
Shiny's dancing and singing is cool.
I want to sing well like that singer.
I don't want to play with Suji.
I don't like the English teacher because she is
very scary.
I don't like the teacher because he is too strict.
I don't like anyone who nags me.
I don't like the girl over there.She is mean to me.
