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From  USA  Today, June 13, 2017

Girl uses first aid method learned from 'The Hunger Games' to save friend from bleeding to death

Sometimes it pays to play close attention to what you read, even in fantasy(幻想作品) books.

That's what a group of preteen (青春期前的孩子) Massachusetts (马萨诸塞州) girls found out when one of them, 12-year-old Megan Gething, used a tourniquet (止血带) method she had learned from reading The Hunger Games to save a friend from possibly bleeding to death.

According to the Gloucester Times, the girls were playing in marshland (沼泽地) near their Rockport homes when Mackenzie George, also 12, slipped against a metal pump (打气筒) and cut her leg open, leaving a 10-inch long, 3-inch wide gash(划深而长切口), gushing (涌出的)with blood.

"I didn’t feel anything,” George told the paper of the June 3 incident. “I thought I just bumped my leg, but when I pulled it up, I saw the cut and I started screaming to call 911

That’s when Gething, remembering a scene from the The Hunger Games, which became a blockbuster(大片)movie in 2008, jumped into action and tied a pair of shorts around her friend’s leg to stanch(止血)the blood flow.

"I figured it was a well-known method of stopping bleeding," she said.

Meanwhile, she told the Times, she asked another girl, Zoe Tallgrass, to run for help. "Going through my mind was just helping 'Kenzie," she said.


Tallgrass returned in about three minutes, Gething said, with her father and brother, who carried the injured girl to their backyard to wait for an ambulance to take her to hospital

The girl was transferred to Boston Children's Hospital where surgery was performed. A full recovery is expected

