



一、1-5CCBCC 6-10 BBCAB 二、11-15BABAC 16-20ABCBB  21-25BACBB

一.1-5. ADDCA, 6-8. BCA 

语音题2 1-5. BCACB 6-10. ADCAD
二.1. waste three cups of tea, 
2. a few fairies, 
3. a little water, 
4. brush their teeth 
5. be/come from America, 
6. care about 
7. made a sentence with mobile phone 

  / used "mobile phone" to make a sentence 
8. went to the cinema
9. woke us up 
10. in front of my house, 
11. played with two robots; on the second/next day 
12. makes the bed, 
13. to travel around the world, 
三.1. is playing, playing 2. came, comes 

3. wants to, 4. having, having 5. to play, playing, 

6. told, them 7. rides, took 8. twelve, third, 

9. potatoes, tomatoes, these, photos 

10. fishing, 11. were, women doctors, children, 

12. useful, to clean, 

13. drinks, too much, a little, eats, too many, a few, doesn't have, 

14. crossed, safely, turned, crossing 

15. went, sleeping, hear, sleepy, listen, well 

16. caught, mice, didn’t eat, 

17. put on, 18. rainy, rain, rained, rained,

19. is singing, sings, 20. plays, his, has 

21. some(any), or, any, and  

     (选择疑问句很多老师让孩子用any, 请向孩子的老师咨询答案)

22. is getting 

23. artists’, 24. giraffe’s, 

25. Helps, friends, is going to be, will find, to play, are going to have, 

四. 1-5. DCADC, 6-10. BDBDC 11-15. ADBCC, 16-20. DACDC 
五.1. What’s, 
2. doesn’t, like, playing, Does, like, playing, When, does, like, 
3. Would, you, me, What, would, you, me, 
4. What, can, you, 
5. didn’t, go, Did, you, and, Mike, go, Where, did, you, and, Mike, go, 
6. won’t, fly, Will, you, she, Who, will, 
六. 1-5 DACBB 6-10 CADAA
七.1-5 ADCBB 1-5 CBDCA 1-5BBCDC
八.1. at, 2. the, 3. clothes, 4. is, 5. His, 

6. are, 7. shoes, 8. in, 9. color, 10. it’s

1. friendly   2. neck   3. lots   

4. feel    5. sign  6. says  

7. Why  8. king   9. laugh   10. wrong
九.1. do, on, have/eat, play, games, with, my, friends, 
2. What’s, wrong, have, a, headache, see/check, have, a, fever, have, a, rest, take, some, medicine, 
3. How, usually, take, metro, to, school, 
4. has, mobile, phone, call, people, anywhere, 
5. Thirty years, listened, to, the, radio, read, newspapers, read, watch news on the Internet. 
6. take, your, juice,
7. sees, lot, of, monkeys, around, are, looking, at, in, Bobby’s, hands, 
8. smoke, from, factories, makes, dirty, move, factories, away, from, 
9. Most, energy, coal, oil, too, much, oil and, coal, 
10. cut, down, too, many, trees, help, us, clean, the, air, 
11. use, plastic, make, bags, and, bottles, bad, for, 
12. My, family, I, will, buy, big, dinner, watch, fireworks, on, Chinese, New, Year’s, Eve, 
13. Twenty, years, wasn’t, our, robots, make, the, bed, 
14.  will go to the Bund and the Shanghai Museum next week, 

        will see many interesting things. 
十. My birthday is in June. On my birthday I often invite some good friends to my party. We sing birthday song and dance. Sometimes we play games. I always get some presents from my parents and friends. I like them very much. At the party we eat birthday cakes. I feel very happy.

