【双语故事- level 3】21.Don't lie to me不要说谎

【双语故事- level 3】21.Don't lie to me不要说谎

Rick was looking after the sheep.
He was bored.
He decided to have some fun.
“Help,help,a wolf is coming.”He shouted.
All the villagers came to help him.
But there was no wolf.
“Don't lie again.”The villagers said.
A few days later, Rick was bored again.
“Help,help,a wolf is coming.”He shouted.
Again,All the villagers came to help him.
Again,there was no wolf.
“Don't lie again.”The villagers said.
One week later, a big wolf really came.
“Help,help,a wolf is coming.”He shouted.
No one came to help him.
The wolf chased all the sheeps away.
“Why wouldn't you help me?”A young boy shouted.
“I was crying for help.”
“We never trust a liar.”The villages said.
“Don't ever lie again.”
