基督山伯爵57 文本已添加

基督山伯爵57 文本已添加



"All myfortune is in the funds; seven or eight hundred thousand francs." “我的财产都买成公债了,——有六七十万法朗吧。”"Then sell out -- sell out, marquis,or you will lose it all." “那么,卖掉,赶快卖它们。”"But how can I sell out here?" “呃,我在这儿怎么卖呢?”"You have it broker, have younot?" “您总有个代理人吧?”"Yes." “有的。”"Then give me a letter to him, andtell him to sell out without an instant's delay, perhaps even now I shallarrive too late." “那么写一封信给我带去,告诉他赶快卖掉,一分一秒都不要耽误,或者我到那儿时已经晚了!”"The deuce you say!" replied themarquis, "let us lose no time, then!" “见鬼。”侯爵说,“那么我们不要浪费时间了。”And, sitting down, he wrote a letter to hisbroker, ordering him to sell out at the market price. “于是他坐了下来,写了一封信给他的代理人,命令他不论什么价钱都要赶快卖掉他的证券。"Now, then," said Villefort,placing the letter in his pocketbook, "I must have another!" “唔,”现在,维尔福把信封夹进他的笔记本里,一面说,“再写一封信!’ "To whom?" “写给谁?”"To the king." “写给国王。”"To the king?" "Yes." "Idare not write to his majesty." “我可不敢随便写信给国王。”"I do not ask you to write to hismajesty, but ask M. de Salvieux to do so. I want a letter that will enable meto reach the king's presence without all the formalities of demanding anaudience; that would occasion a loss of precious time." “我不是要求您写信给国王,您叫萨欧伯爵写好了。我要一封能使我能尽快见到国王的信,无需经过那些繁杂的拜见手续,不然会丧失很多宝贵时间的。”"But address yourself to the keeper ofthe seals; he has the right of entry at the Tuileries, and can procure youaudience at any hour of the day or night." “你自己去问掌玺大臣好了,他有进奏权,会设法让你朝见的。”"Doubtless; but there is no occasionto divide the honors of my discovery with him. The keeper would leave me in thebackground, and take all the glory to himself. I tell you, marquis, my fortuneis made if I only reach the Tuileries the first, for the king will not forgetthe service I do him." “当然可以,不过,何必要把我发现的功劳让别人来分享呢。掌玺大臣会把我甩向一边。而他一个人独亨其功的,我告诉您,侯爵,假如我能第一个进入杜伊勒宫,我的前程就有保障了,因为,我这一次为国王所作的事,他永远也不会忘掉的。”"In that case go and get ready. I willcall Salvieux and make him write the letter." “即然如此,那你就快准备吧,我会叫萨尔维欧给您写你所需要的那封信的。”"Be as quick as possible, I must be onthe road in a quarter of an hour." “最好能赶快写,再过一刻钟我就要上路了。”"Tell your coachman to stop at thedoor." “你叫马车在门口停一下吧。”"You will present my excuses to themarquise and Mademoiselle Renee, whom I leave on such a day with greatregret." “您代我向夫人和蕾妮小姐表示歉意吧,我今天就这样离开她们,的确是非常抱歉的。”"You will find them both here, and canmake your farewells in person." “她们都会到我这里来,这些话,留着你自己去说吧。”"A thousand thanks -- and now for theletter." “多谢,多谢。请赶快写信吧。“The marquis rang, a servant entered. 侯爵拉了铃,一个仆人应声走进。"Say to the Comte de Salvieux that Iwould like to see him." “去,告诉萨尔维伯爵,就说我在这儿等着他。”"Now, then, go," said themarquis. “现在好了,你可以走了。”侯爵说。"I shall be gone only a fewmoments." “好,我马上就回来!”Villefort hastily quitted the apartment,but reflecting that the sight of the deputy procureur running through thestreets would be enough to throw the whole city into confusion, he resumed hisordinary pace. At his door he perceived a figure in the shadow that seemed towait for him. It was Mercedes, who, hearing no news of her lover, had comeunobserved to inquire after him. 维尔福匆匆地走出了侯爵府,忽然他又想到,假如有看见代理法官走路这样慌张,全城准会骚动起来,所以,他又恢复了他正常的恣态,官气十足地走去,在他的家门口,他看到了有一个人站在阴影里,看来好象是等候他的,那是美塞苔丝,她因为得不到爱人的消息,所以,跑来打听他了。As Villefort drew near, she advanced andstood before him. Dantes had spoken of Mercedes, and Villefort instantlyrecognized her. Her beauty and high bearing surprised him, and when sheinquired what had become of her lover, it seemed to him that she was the judge,and he the accused. 当维尔福走过去的时候,她就迎上前来,唐太斯曾经提到过他的这位新娘,所以维尔福立刻就认出了她,她美丽和端庄的仪恣使他吃了一惊,当她问道她的情人的情形的时候,他觉的她象是法官,而他倒成了犯人了。"The young man you speak of,"said Villefort abruptly, "is a great criminal. and I can do nothing forhim, mademoiselle." Mercedes burst into tears, and, as Villefort strove topass her, again addressed him. “你所说的那个青年是一个罪人,”维尔福急忙说,“我没法帮助他的忙,小姐。”美茜塞苔再也忍不住她的眼泪了,当维尔福大步要走过她的时候,她又问道:"But, at least, tell me where he is,that I may know whether he is alive or dead," said she. “请您告诉我,他在什么地方,我想知道他究竟是死是活。”"I do not know; he is no longer in myhands," replied Villefort. “我不知道,他已经不由我管了。”维尔福回答。

