01. The Mixed-Up Chameleon-Song

01. The Mixed-Up Chameleon-Song


On a shiny green leaf sata small green chameleon.

Itmoved onto a brown tree and turned brownish.

Thenit rested on a red flower and turned reddish.

Whenthe chameleon moved slowly across the yellow sand , it turned yellowish.

Youcould hardly see it.

When the chameleon waswarm and had something to eat , it turned sparkling green.

Butwhen it was cold and hungry , it turned and dull.

When the chameleon washungary , it sat still and waited.

Onlyits eyes moved-up , down , sideways-until it spotted a fly.

Thenthe chameleon's long and sticky tongue shot out and caught the fly.

Thatwas its life.

Itwas not very exciting.

Butone day...

...the chameleon saw a zoo!

Ithad never seen so many beautiful animals.


The chameleon thought:

Howsmall I am , how slow , how weak !

Iwish I could be big and white like a polar bear.

Andthe chameleon's wish came true.

Butwas it happy?

No !

I wish I could be handsomelike a flamingo.


I wish I could be smart likea fox.


I wish I could swim like afish.


I wish I could run like adeer.

I wish I could see thingsfor away like a giraffe.


I wish I could hide in ashell like a turtle.

I wish I could be stronglike an elephant. 

I wish I could be funny likea seal.

I wish I could be likepeople.

Justthen a fly flew by.

Thechameleon was very hungry.

Butthe chameleon was very mixed-up.

Itwas a little of this and it was a little of that.

Andit couldn't catch the fly.

I wish I could be myself.

Thechameleon's wish came true.

Andit caught the fly !

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