The little match girl—卖火柴的小女孩

The little match girl—卖火柴的小女孩


It was New Year's Eve anddreadfully cold. The snow fell quickly in the darkening light as evening cameon. In the cold and the darkness there walked along the street, poor littlegirl bare headed and with no shoes on.



When she left home, she hadslippers on, it is true, but they were much too large for her feet. And thepoor little girl lost them running across the street when two carriages werepassing quickly by. When she looked for them, they were not to be found.



So on the little girl wentwith her bare feet that had turned red and blue with cold. In an old apron thatshe wore, she had bundles of matches and she also carried a bundle in her hand.No one had bought so much as a bunch all day long and no one had given her evena penny.



She crept along, tremblingwith cold and hunger, a very picture of sorrow the poor little thing. Thesnowflakes fell on her long hair which hung in pretty curls about her neck, butshe didn't think of her beauty or of the cold.



Candle lights shone fromevery window and she could smell the beautiful smell of roast goose beingcooked for New Year's Eve in all the houses, she was so hungry!



In a corner between twohouses she sat down, she tucked her little feet in underneath herself, butstill she grew colder and colder. She didn't dare to go home, because shehadn't sold any matches and hadn't made any money. Her father would certainlynot be pleased.



Besides it was cold enoughat home, as they had only a roof above them that was full of homes, and throughwhich the cold wind whistled, even though the largest cracks was stopped upwith straw and rags.



Now her little hands werenearly frozen with cold, she thought that maybe a match might warm her fingersif she lit it. So at last she drew one out, she struck it and how it blazed andburned.



It gave out a warm brightflame like a little candle as she held her hands over it, a wonderful littlelight it was. It really seems the little girl as if she sat in front of a greatiron stove with a lovely fire inside it.



So nicely it burned that thelittle girls stretched out her feet to warm them. How comfortable she was! Butthen, the flame went out, the stove vanished and nothing remained but thelittle burned match in her hand.



She rubbed another matchagainst the wall, it burned brightly and where the light fell on the wall, shecould suddenly see right through into the room behind it.



A snow-white cloth wasspread upon the table, on which were laid beautiful china plates, while astuffed roast goose cooked away and made a most delicious smell.



But the match went out thenand nothing was left, but the thick, cold, damp wall in front of her. She litanother match and now she was under this beautiful Christmas tree, larger andfar more prettily decorated than the one she'd seen through the glass doors ofthe rich merchants.



Hundreds of candles wereburning on the green branches and little painted figures like she had seen inshop windows looked down on her. The child stretched out her hands to them, butthen the match went out.



Still the lights of theChristmas tree burned, higher and higher into the sky until she saw one fullforming a long trail of fire. An angel, man with the child softly, for hermother, the person who had loved her the most, had told her that whenever astar falls, an angel goes to heaven.



She struck yet another matchagainst the wall, it lit. And in its brightness, her dear mother appearedbefore her, so bright and radiant and with such an expression of love on herface.



“Oh, Mother…”cried the child, “Take me with you! I know you will go away when the matchburns out, you too will vanish like the warm stove, the splendid new year'sfeast, the beautiful Christmas tree…”



And to make sure her motherwould not disappear, she lit a whole bundle of matches against the wall, andthey burned with such a brilliant light that it became brighter than the middleSun.



Her mother had never lookedso beautiful, she took the little girl in her arms and they embraced each otherjoyfully. They looked up as a beautiful star blazed across the snow filled sky.


