《语言的秘密》'How Language Works' | 语言学 Linguistics

《语言的秘密》'How Language Works' | 语言学 Linguistics


【scroll down for the English version】

欢迎大家收听宁诺UNNC VOICE播客频道新节目,Life-longLearning。本期嘉宾是来自教育与英语语言文学系的史丹博士。她目前在宁波诺丁汉大学负责教授语言和语境、文学语言学以及高级语法等课程。节目中,史丹老师将向我们介绍DavidCrystal所著的How Language Works(《语言的秘密》)一书。如果你也对语言学感兴趣的话,本期节目一定非常适合你。



An alien visitor to Earth might wellwonder what was going on. It would see humans approach each other, use theirmouths to exchange a series of noises, and - apparently as a result of makingthese noises - cooperate in some activity. It would see human eyes look at aset of marks inscribed on a surface, and the eye-owners then behaving in thesame way - going out of one door rather than another in a theater, forinstance. Rather less often, it would see some humans using their hands andfaces to achieve the same results that others obtain through the use of theirmouths. In each case it might think: 'how did they do that?' And in each casethe answer would be the same: ‘through the use of language’.






Hi there, welcome to the new podcast collection Life-long Learning of the podcast channel UNNC VOICE. For this episode, we have invitedDr. Dan Shi from the School of Education and English. She's currently teachingLanguage and Context, Literary Linguistics and Advanced Grammar for Study andthe Professions. Today, Dan is going to introduce the book ‘How LanguageWorks’by David Crystal. If you are also fascinated by linguistics, thenyou won't want to miss this. 

According toDan, she would like to recommend this book to students interested in studyinglanguage and linguistics. She also mentioned that this is one of the very firstbooks that stimulated her interests in language. The language style of the bookis neat, concise and expressive. It also covers a wide range of topics, witheach chapter discussing a different section of linguistics. And as each chapteris quite designed as a self-contained unit, readers can start from anythingthat interests them the most. In some sense, David Crystal is not only theauthor but also a tour-guide who tries to answer every question that readersmay have ever had from different language perspectives.

Whenintroducing the book, Dr. Dan Shi mentioned that it is attractive because theauthor wrote in a very illuminating way, using small words and ordinarylanguage to tell big stories. Crystal uses everyday phenomenon and examples tounlock the mystery of language which we use to speak, write, read every day andthe secrets of communication in an accessible, and entertaining way. In thepodcast, she also shared a section of the book: 

An alien visitor to Earth might well wonder what was going on. It wouldsee humans approach each other, use their mouths to exchange a series ofnoises, and - apparently as a result of making these noises - cooperate in someactivity. It would see human eyes look at a set of marks inscribed on asurface, and the eye-owners then behaving in the same way - going out of onedoor rather than another in a theater, for instance. Rather less often, itwould see some humans using their hands and faces to achieve the same resultsthat others obtain through the use of their mouths. In each case it mightthink: "how did they do that?' And in each case the answer would be the same:‘through the use of language."

This book alsooffered Dr. Dan Shi much inspiration on her studies in multimodality, as manyquestions discussed in the book are closely related to her research. Forexample, everybody speaks and writes to communicate, buthowdo peoplespeak, read, and write? And how to understand the distinction between writingand speech, though they are usually considered as equal systems of linguisticexpressions? How does the electronic media differ from speech and writing?‘Howlanguage works’focuses on all these familiar ideas, like language,linguistics, communications, etc. But in this book we can rethink them from the‘how’ perspective rather than on the ‘what’ as something that we usually takefor granted. 

When talkingabout linguistic research, Dr. Dan Shi mentioned two words: ‘live’ and‘context’. These two characteristics are also often seen in our everyday lives.For example, the word ‘hello’ is normally used for greeting. However, in asituation where a student is caught sleeping in class, and the teacher comes upto him and says, ‘hello’, the word has a completely different meaning. When westudy how language works, we're not doing this anatomical study of identifyingeach part of language as something dead. Instead, we try to understand the livebehaviors of language, and how people use language to perform their socialactions in real life contexts.

Furthermore,Dr. Shi mentioned that the linguistic knowledge in the book is also commonlyfound in our daily lives, like the conversations we use for communication. Justas what Crystal has said in the book, a successful conversation is not a game,but a mutually satisfying linguistic exchange. We know when to speak, when tokeep silent, when to provide information, and when to hold it back. We allobserve some kind of conversation rule, and no one's going to hold the floorforever. We need to stop at certain points in the conversation to allow othersto come in.

At the end of the podcast episode, Dr. Dan Shi offeredsome tips for linguistic students. She thinks that it is very important to befully equipped with the tools for language understanding, like theoretical,analytical frameworks that can be used to analyze the language in use. And ofcourse, this needs to be supported by considerable amounts of reading, which mayfacilitate students’ understanding. Based on the reading and learning, students also need tobe motivated to think, make connections, observe language in use, and explore underlyingprinciples to offer further explanations. Learning applied linguistics helps studentsdevelop a sensitivity to language in use, and this sensitivity will not only helpstudents grow as linguists, but also as better communicators in different reallife contexts.

