Dork Diaries Series 1-6+8+10+11 - Rachel Renée Russell 有声书音频mp3
Kids > Ages 8-12
Written by: Rachel Renée Russell
Narrated by: Jenni Barber
Series: Dork Diaries 1-6+8+10+11
Unabridged Audiobook
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio
Well,in my opinion,I think Nikki is not so good after all.Sometimes I think she is a little stupid.('s just my opinion,if you don't agree with it,it's no need to say something bad and mean)
closecall 回复 @_江南的喵_: iTOTALLYAGREEWITHYOU
百合合合合合合 回复 @百合合合合合合: 这是我的自由
Nicki is so popular with her very own advice column, miss know it all that everybody is reading it, like she's so kind she even skates for charity and won the art show !she's talented and funny, not like Mackenzie, a snobby, spoiled diva
Nikki is an angel, she helps fuzzy friends along with Brandon, and she I skated for charity, she won the art show and helped other people with her really popular advice column. miss know it all.
Do you want to go to Nicki ‘s birthday?