201- American Diner 美式餐厅

201- American Diner 美式餐厅


A: Let’s talk about a typical type of restaurant in North America.  It’s called the American Diner. Could you tell us some of the characteristics of an American Diner?


B: An American Diner is a cozy place for some homemade comfort foods. Some of them open 24 hours a day. The food is tasty and affordable.


A. What do you mean by comfort food? Can you give us some examples?

什么是Comfort Food?你能给我们一些例子吗?

B: Comfort foods are food that will make you feel comfortable. They are usually high in calories, but really delicious.  Comfort foods include hamburger, pizza, grilled cheese, lasagna and much more.

Comfort food 就是吃了以后让你感到很舒服的食物。它们通常有较高的卡路里,但是很好吃。比如说汉堡包,比萨,芝士土司,意大利千层面。

A: Do they also serve breakfast?


B: Yes, they do. Coffee is even re-fillable. Some people will spend a whole day at a diner.


  • 未归远方

    I like ice cream too. especially strawberry flavor. At the same time, I want to know if there are chinese restaurants in North America.

    录程留学 回复 @未归远方: There are a lot of Chinese restaurants in North America, especially in Vancouver.

  • 向日葵和兔子
