The Three Buzzwords三个流行词

The Three Buzzwords三个流行词

1.原文:The Three Buzzwords
One day, my mother's bestie came to my house with her child. Her child is my age. It's a girl. Exactly speaking,this girl is only 13 days younger than me. My mom gave her all my toys to play with. She played with the toys quietly. But I thought those toys were boring. I like to play with cellphone. Mom said I was too young to play with it,because looking at phone for a long time is bad for my eyes. I have no choice about that! Soon, I thought of a fun game. I handed the phone to the aunt first. Then I motioned for her to pass it to my mom. Next I took the phone back from my mom and passed it again to the aunt. After passing through this circle, they seemed to understand what I meant. Then the three of us passed the phone as a game round and round. Mom said to the aunt:“Your daughter likes to play by herself. But my son loves to play with adults." As my mother said, I looked at the girl. Indeed,she was still playing with the toys quietly and alone. She has no intention of joining us at all. So I replace my mother's words with three buzzwords:That girl likes'being alone',but I like 'interacting and sharing'.
一天,我妈妈的闺蜜带着她的孩子来我家玩,她的孩子和我一样大,是个女孩,确切地说,这个女孩比我只小13天。我妈妈把我的玩具都拿出来给她玩,她就安静地自己在那里玩玩具,而我却觉得那些玩具没意思,我喜欢玩手机,或者和大人一起互动着玩儿,可是妈妈说我太小,不能玩手机,看手机时间长了对眼睛不好,对此我很无奈!很快,我想到了一个好玩的游戏,我把手机先递给阿姨,然后示意她把手机传递给妈妈,紧接着我又从妈妈手里拿回手机,再传递给阿姨,经过这一圈儿的传递,她们似乎明白了我的意思,然后我们三人就一圈又一圈地玩传递手机的游戏。妈妈对阿姨说:“你女儿愿意自己玩,而我儿子爱和大人一起玩”,顺着妈妈的话,我看了看那个女孩,的确,她仍然独自一人在那里安静地玩玩具,她一点儿都没有想加入我们的意思。所以,我用三个流行词来替换我妈妈的话,就是: 那个女孩喜欢“独处”,而我喜欢“互动和分享”。
bestie 闺蜜
exactly speaking 确切地说
play with 同...一起玩
boring 乏味的
cell phone 手机
think of想到 thought(过去式)
hand 递给 handed (过去式)
motion 示意
motioned (过去式)
Next 紧接着
through 通过
circle 循环
seem 似乎 seemed(过去式)
mean 意味着,meant (过去式)
round and round一圈接一圈
by oneself 靠自己
by herself 靠她自己
by himself靠他自己
adult 成年人
Indeed 的确
alone 独自的
intention 意图
replace 替换
buzzword 流行词
interact 互动,interacting
share 分享,sharing
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