Address at Gettysburg recited by Lilian

Address at Gettysburg recited by Lilian


Addressat Gettysburg

by AbrahamLincoln (1809-1865)

1. Four scoreand seven years ago/ our fathers brought forth/ on this continent, a newnation,

2. conceived inliberty/ and dedicated to the proposition/ that all men are created equal.

3. Now we areengaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation/ soconceived and so dedicated, can long endure.

4. We are met ona great battlefield of that war.

5. We have cometo dedicate/ a portion of that field/

6. as a finalresting place/ for those who here gave their lives/ that that nation mightlive.

7. It isaltogether fitting and proper/ that we should do this.

8. But, in alarger sense/, we cannot dedicate/ -- we cannot consecrate/ -- we cannot hallow-- this ground.

9. The brave menliving and dead/, who struggled here/ have consecrated it/ far above our poorpower/ to add or to detract.

10. The worldwill little note/ nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget/what they did here.       

11. It is for us, the living/, rather to bededicated here/ to the unfinished work/ which they who fought here/ have thusfar so nobly advanced.   

12. It is ratherfor us to be here/ dedicated to the great task/ remaining before us/ --- thatfrom these honored dead/

13. we takeincreased devotion/ to that cause for which/ they gave the last full measure ofdevotion/;

14. that we herehighly resolve/ that these dead/ shall not have died in vain/ --- that thisnation, under God/, shall have a new birth of freedom/ ——

15. and thatgovernment/ of the people/, by the people/, for the people/, shall not perish/from the earth.

