【外教朗读】第2课:Adventure of Two Lttle Explorers

【外教朗读】第2课:Adventure of Two Lttle Explorers



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Chapter 2 

Later that afternoon, Carl was still thinking about Muntz. He’d written SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE on the side of a balloon, and as he ran, he pretended the balloon was his airship.

He buzzed and zoomed, making the kinds of noises he thought a blimp might make.

“Adventure is out there!” said a voice, seemingly from nowhere. 

Carl stopped in his tracks.Who said that? he wondered. When he looked up, he realized that he was standing in front of an abandoned house.

Something creaked. Carl looked up and saw that someone had attached a rope to the weather vane on top of the house. The rope tugged at the weather vane, turning it.

“Look out!” cried the voice from inside the house. “Mount Rushmore. Must getSpirit of Adventure over Mount Rushmore. Hard to starboard. Hold together, old

girl.Whew! How’re my dogs doing?Ruff , ruff… ruff!Good boy!”

Carl crept toward the porch. SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE was written across the front door. He squeezed past the door. When he saw what was inside, his eyes widened in surprise. Pictures of Charles Muntz were tacked to the wall. Adventure gear was everywhere—ropes, a compass, even an old bicycle. A girl stood near the front window, “steering” with the wheel of the upside-down bike. She was wearing a leather helmet like Carl’s and looking out the window. “All engines ahead full!” she commanded. “Let’s take her up twenty-six thousand feet!”

There was no doubt about it—this girl was playing adventurer, too. Carl turned to get a better look at her collection of Charles Muntz photos and newspaper clippings.

“What are you doing?” the girl asked, suddenly appearing at his side.

Carl let out a yelp. He was so surprised that he let go of his balloon. 

