


I want to slide down the slide.
Let me hold you,Sweetie.
I want to go to the playground.
Mom, I want to play on the playground.
Okay!Then let's go out together.
Today is too cold to go out.
Shouldn't you do your homework first?
My friends are playing there.
Let's go down the slide.
I want to slide down the slide.
Can you hold me, Mom?
I can slide down by myself.
You should not walk up the slide.
Dont climb up too high.
Let's get on the seesaw.
Mommy will get on the seesaw with you.
Do you want to swing?
Be careful when you pass around a moving swing.
Wheeeee! My honey's coming down.
Push me harder / slower.
Hold on! Ifs going higher.
Mom, you don't have to push me.
Can you stop the swing? I want to get off.
Look at me. I'm flying this high.
I feel like flying in the sky.
My baby's going up to the sky.
It's dangerous to jump off the swing.
Mom, I'm scared to go up the top of the jungle gym.
Want to see who can hang on the bar longer?
Mommy will sit on the bench.
You need to be looking at me.
Now let‘s go back to the house.
Let‘s play a little bit more.
Look around, Honey. Nobody's here anymore.
The other children must go back home already.
  • 听友223196444


    途正Annie戴 回复 @听友223196444: 非常谢谢你的建议🙏🙏❤️❤️,我其实是在记录自己学习的过程,所以总联想到自己的生活😂,就各种啰嗦没完没了,没有顾及到听友们的感受。it's my fault. 以后尽量多英文哈,真没想到还有蛮多小伙伴一起学习的👊👊🌹🌹thank you again.

  • 听友291371253