扭伤(关节)sprain /spreɪn/
扭伤 twist /twɪst/
扭伤脚踝 sprain one's ankle /ˈæŋkəl/
twist one's ankle
划伤,用锐器划 scratch /skrætʃ/
擦伤,蹭破皮 scrape /skreɪp/
青肿,撞伤 bruise /bruz/
烫,烫伤,晒伤 burn /bɝn/
脱臼 dislocate /ˈdɪsloʊˌkeɪt/
肿胀的 swollen /ˈswoʊlən/
发痒的 itchy /ˈɪtʃi/
- What happened?
- I sprained my ankle.
- 你怎么了?
- 我脚踝扭了。
流血 bleed /blid/
My finger is bleeding.
伤口 wound /wund/
急救箱 first-aid kit /ˌfɝst ˈeɪd ˌkɪt/
绷带,纱布,包扎 bandage /'bændɪdʒ/
创口贴 band-aid /ˈbændeɪd/
棉球 cotton balls /ˈkɑtən ˈbɑlz/
医用酒精 rubbing alcohol /ˈrʌbɪŋ ˌælkəhɑl/
纱布 gauze /ɡɑz/
疾病(统称)disease /dɪˈziz/
身体 / 精神疾病 illness /ˈɪlnəs/
癌症 cancer /ˈkænsɚ/
肿瘤 tumor /ˈtumɚ/
中风 have a stroke /stroʊk/
心脏病 heart disease /hɑrt dɪˈziz/
心脏病发作 heart attack /ˈhɑrt əˌtæk/
哮喘 asthma /ˈæzmə/
糖尿病 diabetes /ˌdaɪəˈbitis/
高血压 high blood pressure /ˈhɑɪ ˈblʌd ˌprɛʃɚ/
抑郁症 depression /dɪˈprɛʃən/
I heard that he has cancer. I'm sorry to hear that.
I heard that he had a heart attack. I'm sorry to hear that.