英语口语 餐厅点餐 饭店点餐 点餐常用表达 how to order food

英语口语 餐厅点餐 饭店点餐 点餐常用表达 how to order food


Hello, table for four, please. 你好,要一张四人桌。

The seat by the window would be better. 靠窗的那个位置更好。

Could I have a menu, please? 请给我菜单好吗?

What do you recommend today? 今天有什么推荐的?

What specialty do you have? 有什么特色菜吗?

What is the special food of your restaurant? 你们饭店的招牌菜是什么?

I'm not ready to order yet. 我还没准备好要点餐呢。

I haven't figured out what I want yet. 我还没想好要吃什么。

Chinese food would be fine for me. 我想吃中餐。

Do you have any local specialty? 你们有什么特色菜?

Do you have something lite? 你这儿有什么清淡的菜?

Do you think that would be enough? 你觉得这些够了吗?

I'd like some orange juice to go with my breakfast. 我想吃早餐配橙汁。

I'd like something to drink before my dishes being served. 我想上菜前要点喝的。

Would you please serve a little quicker? 上菜能快点吗?
