1. I am working hard towards my goals and ambitions. 我正在为我的目标和抱负努力。
2. I am succeeding in my career even if I’m not where I want to be yet. 我在我的职业生涯中取得了成功,即使我还没有达到我想要的位置。
3. I am working towards the best version of myself. 我在朝着最好的自己努力。
4. My career setbacks do not define me. 我的职业挫折并不能定义我。
5. I am capable of reaching the goals I set for my future self. 我有能力达到我为未来的自己设定的目标。
6.Every career setback or roadblock helps me to grow more as a person. 职业生涯中的每一次挫折或障碍都会帮助我成长。
7.I can celebrate the small wins whilst keeping my eyes on the end goal. 我可以庆祝这些小小的胜利,同时保持我的目光在最终目标。
8.My journey should not be compared to others because I’m on my own journey. 我的旅程不应该和别人比较,因为我在自己的旅程上。
9.Sometimes I will have bad days but just like the rain the sun will come out again. 有时候我会有糟糕的日子,但就像天气一样下雨后太阳会出来。
10.I have the ability to turn the feeling of being overwhelmed to the feeling of being excited.
11.I have faith in my own goals and dreams. 我对自己的目标和梦想有信心。
12.I may not know what the future holds but my present self is laying the foundation for my future self’s successes. 我可能不知道未来会怎样,但现在的我正在为未来的我的成功奠定基础。
13.My past mistakes do not define me, but they have helped me grow.我过去的错误不能定义我,但它们帮助我成长。
14.I am able to ask for help and support to better myself and my career.我能够寻求帮助和支持,做更好的自己和我的职业生涯。
15.Each step in my career is helping me get to my end goal. 我职业生涯的每一步都在帮助我实现我的最终目标。
16.I am proud of my individual journey. 我为我的个人旅程感到自豪。
17.I am abundant within myself and what I have. 我的内在和我所拥有的都是丰盛的。
18.People support my business and want me to succeed. 人们支持我的生意,希望我成功。
19.I wouldn’t be where I am now if I didn’t have support from my clients.
20. I have got through problems facing my career so I can get through them again. 我已经克服了我职业生涯中面临的问题,所以我可以再次克服它们。