【英语充电宝】风土人情篇 - 一顿年夜饭少不了的5种幸运食物

【英语充电宝】风土人情篇 - 一顿年夜饭少不了的5种幸运食物


The Top 5 Lucky Food Enjoyed During the Chinese New Year Celebration



1. Fish 鱼

Steamed fish is one of the most famous Chinese New Year recipes, because the word Fish in Chinese sounds like the Chinese word for “surplus”.


年年有余 : May you always have more than you need!


2. Dumplings 饺子

Dumpling is widely popular in China especially in North China. And it is a classic lucky food for the new year because it is shaped like the Chinese gold ingots.


招财进宝: May you bring in lots of wealth and treasure!


3. Glutinous Rice Cake 年糕

Glutinous rice cake is a lucky food eaten on Chinese New Year’s Eve, because the name sounds like “getting higher each year”.


年年高:Getting higher year-after-year!


4. Glutinous Rice Balls 汤圆

Glutinous rice ball is the main food for China's Lantern Festival, however, in South China, people eat them throughout the Spring Festival. This is because the pronunciation and round shape of tangyuan are associated with reunion and being together.


团团圆圆: Happy (family) reunion!


5. Good Fortune Fruits 幸运的水果

Certain fruits are eaten during the Chinese New Year celebration, such as tangerines and oranges, and pomelos. They are chosen as they are particularly round and "golden" in color, symbolizing fullness and wealth, but more obviously for the lucky sound they bring when spoken.



Tangerine 橙子 sounds the same as the Chinese for “success”成功。

Oranges 桔子 contains the Chinese character for “luck”吉利。

Pomelos 柚子sounds like “to have” and “again”又。

Eating these fruits are thought to bring continuous success, luck, and prosperity. The more you eat, the more wealth it will bring!


Happy Chinese New Year

