




1. 一般读物

Abraham, Gerald. The Concise Oxford History of Music. New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 1985.(亚伯拉罕:《简明牛津音乐史》)

Borroff, Edith. Music in Europe and the United States. 2nd ed., EngelwoodCliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1990.(博洛夫:《欧洲和美国的音乐》)

Crocker, Richard L. A History of Musical Style. New York: Dover, 1986.(科罗克:《音乐风格史》)

Grout, Donald Jay, and Claude Palisca. A History of Western Music. 4th ed.,New York: W. W. Norton, 1988.(格劳特与帕利斯卡:《西方音乐史》)

Lang, Paul Henry. Music in Western Civilization. New York: W. W. Norton,1941.(朗:《西方文明中的音乐》)

Le Huray, Peter. Authenticity in Performance. New York: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1990.(勒·胡瑞:《表演中的原真性》)

Rosenstiel, Leonie, ed., Schirmer History of Music. New York: SchirmerBooks, 1982.(罗森斯蒂尔编:《音乐史》)

Stevens, Denis, ed., History of Song. Rev. ed., New York: W. W. Norton,1970.(斯蒂文斯编:《歌曲史》)

Stolba, K. Marie. The Development of Western Music: A History. 3rd ed.,Dubuque, Iowa: Brown and Benchmark, 1997.(斯托尔巴:《西方音乐发展史》)

Strunk, Oliver. Source Readings in Music History. Rev. ed., New York: W. W.Norton, 1996.(斯特伦克:《音乐史料选读》)

Wold, Milo, et al. An Introduction to Music and Art in the Western World.10th ed., Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Co., 1996.(沃尔德等:《西方音乐与艺术导论》)

2. 音乐参考书

Blume, Friedrich, ed., Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. 16 vols.Kassel, West Germany: Barenreiter, 1949—1986(New edition begun c.1994).(布鲁默编:《音乐的历史与现状》)

Hitchcock, H. Wiley, and Stanley Sadie, ed., The New Grove Dictionary ofAmerican Music. 4 vols. London: Macmillan Press, 1986.(希区柯克和萨蒂编:《新格罗夫美国音乐辞典》)

Kernfeld, Barry, ed., The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz. 2 vols. London:Macmillan, 1988.(科恩菲尔德编:《新格罗夫爵士音乐辞典》)

New Oxford History of Music. 10 vols. London: Oxford, 1954—1975.(《新牛津音乐史》)其中各卷包括:I. 古代音乐与东方音乐(1957);II. 中世纪早期至1300年(第二版,1990);III. 新艺术与文艺复兴,1300—1540年(1960);IV. 人文主义时期,1540—1630年(1968);V. 歌剧与教堂音乐,1630—1750年(1975);VI. 音乐会音乐,1630—1750年(1986);VII. 启蒙运动时期,:1745—1790年(1973);VIII. 贝多芬时代,:1790—1830年(1982);IX. 浪漫主义,:1830—1890(1990);X. 现代,:1890—1960年(1974)。

Randel, Don, ed., The Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music. Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 1996.(兰德尔编:《哈佛音乐传记辞典》)

Randel, Don, ed., The New Harvard Dictionary of Music. Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 1990.(兰德尔编:《新哈佛音乐辞典》)

Sadie, Julie Anne, and Rhian Samuel, ed., The Norton-Grove Dictionary ofWomen Composers. New York: W. W. Norton, 1995.(萨蒂和塞缪尔编:《诺顿格罗夫女性作曲家辞典》)

Sadie, Stanley, ed., New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. 20 vols.London: Macmillan, 1980.(萨蒂编:《新格罗夫音乐与音乐家辞典》)这一版是英文语境内到目前为止最具综合性的辞书[插图]。包括音乐各个方面的大篇幅文章以及大量传记性条目。

Sadie, Stanley, ed., The New Grove Dictionary of Opera. 4 vols. London:Macmillan, 1992.(萨蒂编:《新格罗夫歌剧辞典》)

Shestack, Melvin, and Tad Richard. The New Country Music Encyclopedia.New York: Simon and Schuster, 1993.(舍斯塔克和理查德:《新乡村音乐百科全书》)

Slonimsky, Nicholas. Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians. 8th ed.,New York: Shirmer Books, 1992.(斯洛尼姆斯基:《贝克音乐家传记辞典》)

Thompson, Oscar. International Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians. 10thed., Edited by Oscar Thompson and Bruce Bohle. New York: W. W. Dodd,1975.(汤普森:《国际音乐与音乐家百科全书》)

3. 音乐期刊

Black Music Research Journal(《黑人音乐研究》)

The Cambridge Opera Journal(《剑桥歌剧》)

Die Reihe(《序列》)

Early Music(《早期音乐》)


Journal of the American Musicological Society(《美国音乐学会会刊》)

Journal of the Royal Musical Association(《皇家音乐协会会刊》)

Modern Music Quarterly(1923—1946)(《现代音乐季刊》)

Music and Letters(《音乐与文学》)

The Musical Quarterly(《音乐季刊》)

The Musical Times(《音乐时代》)

Nineteenth Century Music(《19世纪音乐》)

Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association(《札记:音乐图书馆协会会刊》)

The Opera Quarterly(《歌剧季刊》)

Opera News(《歌剧新闻》)

Perspective of New Music(《新音乐视角》)

Popular Music and Society(《流行音乐与社会》)

The Schwann Catalogue(《施万编目》)

4. 乐谱与录音


Burkhart, Charles. Anthology for Musical Analysis. 5th ed., New York: Holt,Rinehzrt and Winston, 1993.(布克哈特:《音乐分析曲集》)

Davidson, Archibald, and Willi Apel. Historical Anthology of Music. 2 vols.Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1949.(戴维森和阿佩尔:《音乐历史曲集》)

Gleason, Harold, and Warren Becker. Examples of Music Before 1400. 2nded., Van Nuys, Clif.: Alfred, 1987.(格里森和贝克:《1400年之前的音乐曲例》)

History of Music in Sound. 10 vols. London: Oxford, 1953.(《音乐历史音响》)

由 RCA 录制。这一曲集只包括部分乐谱,但录音是完整的。

Kamien, Roger. The Norton Scores: An anthology for listening. 2 vols. 5thed., New York: W. W. Norton, 1990.(卡米恩:《诺顿乐谱:聆听曲集》)

Morgan, Robert P. Anthology of Twentieth Century Music. New York: W. W.Norton, 1992.(摩根:《二十世纪音乐曲集》)

Parrish, Carl. Treasury of Early Music. New York: W. W. Norton, 1964.(帕里什:《早期音乐珍品》)此书有平装本。

Schering, Arnold. Geschichte der Musik in Beispielen. Leipzig, East Germany:Breitkopf and Härtel, 1931.(谢林:《杰作中的音乐史》)

Starr, William J., and George F. Devine. Omnibus. Parts 1 and 2. EnglewoodCliffs, N. J.: Pretince-Hall, Inc., 1964 and 1974.(斯塔尔和德温:《汇编》)

5. 音乐选集

Cohen, Albert, and John D. White. Anthology of Music for Analysis. NewYork: Appleton Century Crofts, 1965.(科恩和怀特:《分析音乐选集》)

Downs, Philip G., ed., Anthology of Classical Music. New York: W. W.Norton, 1992.(唐斯编:《古典音乐选集》)

Fellerer, Karl Gustav, ed., Anthology of Music. 47 vols. Cologne, WestGermany: Arno Volk Verlag, begun in 1959.(费勒莱编:《音乐选集》)

Hardy, Gordon, and Arnold Fish. Music Literature. 2 vols. New York: Dodd,Mead and Co., 1966.(哈迪和费什:《音乐文献》)

Hoppin, Richard H. Anthology of Medieval Music. New York: W. W. Norton,1978.(霍平:《中世纪音乐选集》)

Kirby, F. E., ed., Music in the Classic Period: An Anthology with Commentary.New York: G. Schirmer, 1979.(科尔比编:《古典时期的音乐:附评注选集》)

Kirby, F. E., ed., Music in the Romantic Period: An Anthology withCommentary. New York: G. Schirmer, 1986.(科尔比编:《浪漫主义时期的音乐:附评注选集》)

Lang, Paul Henry. The Concerto 1800—1900. New York: W. W. Norton,1969.(朗:《1800—1900年的协奏曲》)

The Norton Anthology of Western Music. 2nd ed., 1988.(《诺顿西方音乐谱例集》)由克劳德·帕利斯卡编的两卷已由诺顿公司出版:配合格劳特和帕利斯卡所著《西方音乐史》的第四版。这两卷中的乐谱在格劳特的文本中得到简要的论述。《诺顿西方音乐谱例集》的部分录音也可获得。

Norton Critical Scores. New York: W. W. Norton.(《诺顿批评版乐谱》)有不同的出版日期。每一卷包括一部主要音乐作品的权威性学习谱和一套用于研究该作品的全面资料。

Plantinga, Leon. An Anthology of Romantic Music. New York: W. W. Norton,1984.(普兰廷加:《浪漫主义音乐选集》)

Stolba, K Marie. The Development of Western Music: An Anthology. 2 vols.2nd ed., Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown-Benchmark, 1994.(斯托尔巴:《西方音乐的发展:谱例集》)此书配有录音。

Wennerstrom, Mary H. Anthology of Twentieth Century Music. New York:Appleton Century Crofts, 1988.(文纳斯特罗姆:《二十世纪音乐选集》)

6. 各章读物


Brandel, Rose. The Music of Central Africa. New York: Da Capo Press, 1983.(布兰德尔:《中非音乐》)

Comotti, Giovanni. Music in Greek and Roman Culture. Translated byRosaria Munson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.(科莫蒂:《希腊和罗马文化中的音乐》)

Idelsohn, Abraham. Jewish Music: Its Historical Development. New York:Dover, 1992.(伊德尔松:《犹太音乐:历史发展》)

Malm, Wm. P. Music Cultures of the Pacific, The Near East, and Asia. 2nded., Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1977.(马尔姆:《太平洋地区、近东和亚洲的音乐文化》)

May, Elizabeth, ed., Music of Many Cultures—An Introduction. Berkeley:University of California Press, 1980.(梅:编:《多种音乐文化导论》)

Merriam, Alan P. The Anthropology of Music. Evanston, Ill.: NorthwesternUniversity Press, 1964.(梅里亚姆:《音乐人类学》)

Michaelides, Solon. The Music of Ancient Greece: An Encyclopedia. London:Faber and Faber, 1978.(米凯里德斯:《古希腊的音乐百科全书》)

Myers, Helen, ed., Ethnomusicology: Historical and Regional Studies. NewYork: W. W. Norton, 1993.(迈尔斯编:《民族音乐学:历史研究与地域研究》)

Nettl, Bruno. Folk and Traditional Music of the Western Continents. 2nd ed.,New York: Prentice—Hall, 1973.(内特尔:《西方大陆的民间音乐和传统音乐》)

Nettl, Bruno. Music in Primitive Culture. Cambridge: Harvard UniversityPress, 1956.(内特尔:《原始文化中的音乐》)

Prajnanananda, Swami. A History of Indian Music. Hollywood: VedantaPress, 1963.(普拉亚纳纳达:《印度音乐史》)

Sachs, Curt. Rise of Music in the Ancient World, East and West. New York:W. W. Norton, 1943.(萨克斯:《古代东西方世界中音乐的兴起》)

West, M. L. Ancient Greek Music. London: Oxford University Press, 1992.(怀斯特:《古希腊音乐》)

第二章 中世纪早期(300—1100)

Apel, Willi. Gregorian Chant. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 1958.(阿佩尔:《格里高利圣咏》)

Fenlon, Iain, ed., Early Music History. 14 vols. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1981 and following.(芬伦编:《早期音乐史》)

Hoppin, Richard H. Medieval Music. Ch. I-VII. New York: W. W. Norton,1978.(霍平:《中世纪音乐》)

Hoppin, Richard H. Anthology of Medieval Music. New York: W. W. Norton,1978.(霍平:《中世纪音乐选集》)

Phillips, Elizabeth V., and John-Paul Jackson. Performing Medieval &Renaissance Music: An Introductory Guide. New York: G. Schirmer, 1986.(菲利普斯和杰克逊:《中世纪和文艺复兴音乐表演导论》)

Reese, Gustave. Music in the Middle Ages. New York: W. W. Norton, 1940.(里斯:《中世纪音乐》)

Seay, Albert. Music in the Medieval World. 2nd ed., Englewood Cliffs, N. J.:Prentice-Hall, 1975.(塞伊:《中世纪世界的音乐》)

第三章 中世纪晚期:古艺术—新艺术(1100—1140)

Apel, Willi. The Notation of Polyphonic Music. 5th ed., Cambridge, Mass.:Medieval Academy of America, 1961.(阿佩尔:《复调音乐记谱法》)

Apel, Willi. French Secular Music of the Late Fourteenth Century.Cambridge, Mass.: Medieval Academy of America, 1950.(阿佩尔:《14世纪晚期法国世俗音乐》)

Arnold, John. Medieval Music. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.(阿诺尔德:《中世纪音乐》)

Boorman, Stanley. Studies in the Performance of Late Medieval Music. NewYork: Cambridge University Press, 1983.(布尔曼:《中世纪晚期音乐表演研究》)

Cattin, Guilio. Music of the Middle Ages I. Translated by Steven Botterill.New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984.(卡廷:《中世纪音乐 I》)

Collins, Fletcher, Jr. A Medieval Songbook: Troubadour and Trouvére.Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1982.(柯林斯:《中世纪歌曲集:特罗巴多与特罗维尔》)

Gallo, F. Alberto. Music of the Middle Ages II. Translated by Karen Eales.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.(加洛:《中世纪音乐 II》)

Hoppin, Richard H. Medieval Music. Ch. VIII-XX. New York: W. W. Norton,1978.(霍平:《中世纪音乐》VIII—XX)

Hoppin, Richard H. Anthology of Medieval Music. New York: W. W. Norton,1978.(霍平:《中世纪音乐选集》)

Hughes, Andrew. Medieval Music: The Sixth Liberal Art. 2nd ed., Toronto:University of Toronto Press, 1980.(休斯:《中世纪音乐:16世纪的文科》)

McGee, Timothy J. Medieval and Renaissance Music: A Performer’s Guide.Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988.(麦克吉:《中世纪与文艺复兴音乐:表演指南》)

Marocco, W. Thomas, and Nicholas Sandon. Medieval Music. New York:Oxford University Press, 1977.(马洛科和桑顿:《中世纪音乐》)

Reese, Gustave. Music in the Middle Ages. New York: W. W. Norton, 1940.(里斯:《中世纪的音乐》)

Roche, Jerome. Dictionary of Early Music: From the Troubadours toMonteverdi. New York: Oxford University Press, 1981.(罗赫:《早期音乐辞典:从特罗巴多到蒙特威尔第》)

Seay, Albert. Music in the Medieval World. 2nd ed., Englewood Cliffs, N. J.:Prentice-Hall, 1991.(塞伊:《中世纪世界中的音乐》)

Stevens, John. Words and Music in the Middle Ages: Song, Narrative, Danceand Drama. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986.(斯蒂文斯:《中世纪的文学和音乐:歌曲、叙事、舞蹈与戏剧》)


Brown, Howard Mayer. Music in the Renaissance. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.:Prentice Hall, 1976.(布朗:《文艺复兴时期的音乐》)

Bukofzer, Manfred., Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music. New York:W. W. Norton, 1947.(布克夫泽:《中世纪和文艺复兴音乐研究》)

Carpenter, Nan Cooke. Music in the Medieval and Renaissance Universities.Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1972.(卡朋特:《中世纪和文艺复兴大学中的音乐》)

Einstein, Alfred., The Italian Madrigal. 3.vols. Princeton, N. J.: PrincetonUniversity Press, 1949.(爱因斯坦:《意大利牧歌》)

Fellowes, E. H. The English Madrigal Composers. London: Oxford UniversityPress, 1977.(费洛斯:《英国牧歌作曲家》)

Fenlon, Iain. The Italian Renaissance: From the 1470’s to the End of the16th Century. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall, 1990.(芬伦:《意大利文艺复兴:从1470年代到16世纪末》)

Greenberg, Noah, and Paul Maynard, eds. Anthology of Early RenaissanceMusic. New York: W. W. Norton, 1975.(格林伯格和梅纳德编:《文艺复兴早期音乐选集》)

Harmon, Alec, ed., Oxford Book of Italian Madrigals. New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 1983.(哈蒙编:《牛津意大利牧歌》)

Ledger, Philip, ed., Oxford Book of English Madrigals. New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 1978.(莱杰编:《牛津英国牧歌》)

Lowinsky, Edward E. Secret Chromatic Art in the Netherlands Motet. NewYork: Oxford University Press, 1946.(洛温斯基:《尼德兰经文歌中隐秘的半音艺术》)

Reese, Gustave. Music in the Renaissance. Rev. ed., New York: W. W.Norton, 1959.(里斯:《文艺复兴时期的音乐》)

Reese, Gustav. New Grove High Renaissance Master. Edited by StanleySadie. New York: W. W. Norton, 1984.(里斯:《新格罗夫文艺复兴盛期的大师》)

Roche, Jerome. The Madrigal. 2nd ed., New York: Oxford University Press,1990.(罗赫:《牧歌》)

Stevens, J. E., ed., Music and Poetry in the Early Tudor Court. New York:Cambridge University Pres, 1979.(斯蒂文斯编:《早期都铎王朝的音乐与诗歌》)

Walker, Ernest. A History of Music in England. 3rd ed., London: OxfordUniversity Press, 1978.(沃克:《英国音乐史》)

第五章 巴洛克时期(1600—1750)

Anthony, James, et al. New Grove French Baroque Masters. New York: W.W. Norton, 1987.(安东尼等:《新格罗夫法国巴罗克大师》)

Anthony, James R. French Baroque Music. New York: W. W. Norton, 1981.(安东尼:《法国巴洛克音乐》)

Bianconi, Lorenzo. Music in the Seventeenth Century. Translated by DavidBryant. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987.(班科尼:《17世纪的音乐》)

Bukofzer, Manfred E. Music in the Baroque Era. New York: W. W. Norton,1947.(布克夫泽:《巴洛克时期的音乐》)

Celletti, Rodolfo. Bel Canto. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.(切莱蒂:《美声唱法》)

David, Hans T., and Arthur Mendel. The Bach Reader. Rev. ed., New York: W.W. Norton, 1966.(大卫和门德尔:《巴赫读者》)

Dean, Winton. The New Grove Handel. New York: W. W. Norton, 1983.(迪恩:《新格罗夫亨德尔传记》)

Dean, Winton., and J. M. Knapp. Handel’s Operas: 1904—1726. 2 vols.New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.(迪恩和纳普:《亨德尔的歌剧:1904—1726年》)

Donington, Robert. Baroque Music: Style and Performance. New York: W.W. Norton, 1982.(多宁顿:《巴洛克音乐:风格与表演》)

Geiringer, Karl. The Bach Family. New York: Oxford University Press, 1981.(盖林格尔:《巴赫家族》)

Grout, Donald J. A Short History of Opera. 3rd ed., New York: ColumbiaUniversity Press, 1988.(格劳特:《歌剧简史》)

Hutchings, Arthur. The Baroque Concerto. 3rd Rev. ed., New York: W. W.Norton, 1978.(赫金斯:《巴洛克协奏曲》)

Newman, William S. The Sonata in the Baroque Era. 4th ed., Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 1983.(纽曼:《巴洛克时期的奏鸣曲》)

Palisca, Calude V. Baroque Music. 2nd ed., Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1981.(帕里斯卡:《巴洛克音乐》)

Rifkin, Joshua, et al. New Grove North European Baroque Masters. NewYork: W. W. Norton, 1985.(里弗金等:《新格罗夫北欧巴洛克大师》)

Smither, Howard E. A History of Oratorio. 3 vols. Chapel Hill: University ofNorth Carolina Press, 1977—87.(史密瑟:《清唱剧史》)

第六章 古典主义时期(1750—1820)

Burney, Dr. Charles. An Eighteenth Century Musical Tour in Central Europeand the Netherlands. New York: Oxford University Press, 1959.(伯尼:《18世纪中欧与尼德兰音乐概览》)

Burney, Dr. Charles. An Eighteenth Century Music Journey in France andItaly. New York: Oxford University Press, 1959.(伯尼:《18世纪法国与意大利音乐之旅》)

Carse, Adam. The Orchestra in the Eighteenth Century. Cambridge, England:W. Heffer, 1940.(卡尔斯:《18世纪的管弦乐队》)

Dent, E. J. Mozart’s Operas. 2nd ed., New York: Oxford University Press,1991.(邓特:《莫扎特的歌剧》)

Downs, Philip G. Classical Music. New York: W. W. Norton, 1992.(唐斯:《古典主义音乐》)

Geiringer, Karl. Haydn, A Creative Life in Music. New York: W. W. Norton,1946.(盖林格尔:《海顿:音乐创造的一生》)

Geiringer, Karl. The Bach Family. New York: Oxford University Press, 1981.(盖林格尔:《巴赫家族》)

Grout, Donald J. A Short History of Opera. 3rd ed., New York: ColumbiaUniversity Press, 1988.(格劳特:《歌剧简史》)

Heartz, Daniel. Haydn, Mozart and the Viennese School. New York: W. W.Norton, 1995.(海尔茨:《海顿、莫扎特与维也纳乐派》)

Landon, H. C. Robbins. Haydn’s Chronicle and Works. 5 vols. Bloomington:University of Indiana Press, 1995.(兰顿:《海顿的生平与作品》)

Newman, William S. The Sonata in the Classic Era. 3rd ed., Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 1983.(纽曼:《古典主义时期的奏鸣曲》)

Pauly, Reinhard G. Music in the Classic Period. 3rd ed., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1987.(保利:《古典主义时期的音乐》)

Pestelli, Giorgio. Age of Mozart and Beethoven. Translated by Eric Cross.New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984.(佩斯特利:《莫扎特与贝多芬的时代》)

Rosen, Charles. The Classical Style: Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. NewYork: Viking, 1971.(罗森:《古典风格:海顿、莫扎特与贝多芬》)

Solomon, Maynard. Mozart: A Life. New York: Harper Collins, 1995.(所罗门:《莫扎特的一生》)

第七章 浪漫主义时期(1820—1900)

Abraham, Gerald. A Hundred Years of Music. New York: Knopf, 1993.(亚伯拉罕:《音乐一百年》)

Barzun, Jacques. Berlioz and the Romantic Century. 2 vols. New York: Little,Brown, 1982.(巴村:《柏辽兹与浪漫主义的世纪》)

Campbell, Stuart, editor and translator. Russians on Russian Music, 1830—1880. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.(坎贝尔编译:《俄罗斯人论俄罗斯音乐:1830—1880年》)

Chase, Gilbert. America’s Music. 3rd ed., Champaign: University of IllinoisPress, 1987.(查斯:《美国音乐》)

Cooper, Martin. French Music from the Death of Berlioz to the Death ofFauré. New York: Oxford University Press, 1951.(库珀:《从柏辽兹逝世到弗雷逝世期间的法国音乐》)

Dahlhaus, Carl. Nineteenth-Century Music. Translated by J. BradfordRobison. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980.(达尔豪斯:《19世纪音乐》)

Donnington, Robert. The Opera. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich,1978.(多宁顿:《歌剧》)

Einstein, Alfred., Music in the Romantic Era. New York: W. W. Norton, 1947.(爱因斯坦:《浪漫主义时期的音乐》)

Grout, D. J. A Short History of Opera. 3rd ed., New York: ColumbiaUniversity Press, 1973.(格劳特:《歌剧简史》)

Kramer, Lawrence. Music and Poetry: The Nineteenth Century and After.Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.(克雷默:《音乐与诗歌:19世纪及之后》)

Landau, Annaliese. Lied: The Unfolding of Its Style. Lanham, Md.: UniversityPress of America, 1980.(兰道:《利德风格发展史》)

Longyear, Rey M. Nineteenth-Century Romanticism in Music. 3rd ed.,Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1987.(朗耶:《19世纪音乐中的浪漫主义》)

Newman, Ernest. The Wagner Operas. New York: Knopf, 1991.(纽曼:《瓦格纳的歌剧》)

Plantinga, Leon. Romantic Music. New York: W. W. Norton, 1984.(普兰廷加:《浪漫主义音乐》)

Prawer, S. S. Penguin Book of Lieder. New York: Penguin, 1982.(普罗尔:《利德之书》)

Rosen, Charles. The Romantic Generation. Cambridge: Harvard UniversityPress, 1995.(罗森:《浪漫的一代》)

Solomon, Maynard. Beethoven. New York: Schirmer, 1979.(所罗门:《贝多芬》)

Zetlin, Mikhail O. The Five, the Revolution of the Russian School of Music.New York: International Universities Press, 1959.(策特林:《五人团:俄罗斯乐派发展史》)


Austin, William W. Music in the 20th Century. New York: W. W. Norton,1966.(奥斯汀:《20世纪的音乐》)

Crawford, John C., and Dorothy L. Crawford. Expressionism in Twentieth-Century Music. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993.(约翰和多罗西·克劳福德:《20世纪音乐中的表现主义》)

Eimert, Herbert, and Karlheinz Stockhausen. Anton Webern. Valley Forge,Pa. European-American Press, 1958.(艾默特和施托克豪森:《安东·韦伯恩》)

Kislan, Richard. The Musical: A Look at the American Musical. Rev. ed.,Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1995.(基斯兰:《美国音乐剧概览》)

Leibowirz, René. Schoenberg and His School. New York: Da Capo Press,1975.(莱伯维尔茨:《勋伯格及其乐派》)

McVeagh, Diana, et al. New Grove Twentieth Century English Masters. NewYork: W. W. Norton, 1986.(麦克维等:《新格罗夫20世纪英国音乐大师》)

Machlis, Joseph. Introduction to Contemporary Music. 2nd ed., New York:W. W. Norton, 1979.(马希利斯:《当代音乐导论》)

Martin, George. The Companion to Twentieth Century Opera. NorthPomfret, Vt.: Trafalgar, 1992.(马丁:《20世纪歌剧手册》)

Martin, William R., and Julius Drossing. Music of the 20th Century.Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1980.(马丁和德罗辛:《20世纪的音乐》)

Morgan, Robert. Twentieth Century Music. New York: W. W. Norton, 1991.(摩根:《20世纪音乐》)

Prendergast, Roy M. Film Music: A Neglected Art. 2nd ed., New York: W. W.Norton, 1992.(普伦德加斯特:《电影音乐:一种被忽视的艺术》)

Salzman, Eric. Twentieth-Century Music: An Introduction. 3rd ed.,Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1987.(萨尔茨曼:《20世纪音乐导论》)

Schwarz, Boris. Music and Musical Life in Composer, Performer, Listener.Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1950.(施瓦茨:《作曲家、表演者、听者中的音乐与音乐生活》)

Somfai, Laszlo, et al. New Grove Modern Masters: Bartók, Stravinsky,Hindemith. Edited by Stanley Sadie. New York: W. W. Norton, 1984.(索姆法伊等:《新格罗夫现代大师:巴托克、斯特拉文斯基、欣德米特》)

Stuckenschmidt, H. H. Twentieth Century Music. Translated by RichardDeveson. New York: McGraw Hill, 1969.(施图肯什密特:《20世纪音乐》)

Stuckenschmidt, H. H. Schoenberg: His Life, World and Word. New York:Schirmer Publications, 1978.(施图肯什密特:《勋伯格:生平、世界与言论》)


