68.第(68)集Toad in the Road

68.第(68)集Toad in the Road


Episode 68: Toad in the Road.

Toad raced the horse across the meadow. Before long, the horse tired. Toad didn’t mind slowing down.

“That awful possum is far behind,” he said.

After a few miles. The horse stopped.

“Come on,” said Toad, “Keep going.”

But the horse lowered its head to eat grass.

“I’m hungry too,” thought Toad.

Toad got off the horse and walked. Soon he came to a wide road.

“I don’t know which direction to go. I hope someone comes by,” he said.

Far down the road, Toad heard a noise. It sounded like a faint vroom, vroom! A cloud of dust came toward him.

“It’s a car!” yelled Toad.

Toad jumped up and down.

“Hooray!” he said. “I’ll ask them of a ride. Badger will be very surprised.”

He stepped into the road and waved.

The car slowed down. Suddenly Toad’s knees shook.

“Oh no!” cried Toad.

It was the car from The Red Lion!

“It’s the car I stole!” cried Toad. “It’s all over! Back to prison for me! I’ll be in chains!

Toad fainted and fell in the road. The car came near and stopped.

“Oh dear! How sad!” said the driver.

“it’s a poor old washwoman.”

  • Susan茜茜公主

  • Susan茜茜公主