







1.How much will the woman lend the man?


2.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Foreign languages.

B.A novel.

C.A film.

3.What will they do tonight?

A.Play music.B.Dance.C.Hear music.

4. What can you learn from the dialogue?

A.Jim is Frank’s brother.

B.Jim is Frank’s teacher.

C.Jim is Frank’s friend.

5.What is wanted in the ad?





6.What did the woman advise the man to do at first?

A.To wait some time.

B.To have the mobile phone repaired.

C.To buy a new one.

7. What’s wrong with the man’s mobile phone?

A.It cannot be repaired.

B.It powers off by itself.

C.It’s too old.


8. Why does the woman invite the man to dinner?

A.It is her birthday.

B.She has passed her driving test.

C.It’s the man’ s birthday.

9. Why does the woman want to go to the Friendship Hotel?

A.She likes the food and service there.

B.The food and service there is the best in the city.

C.The prices are reasonable there.

10. How will the two speakers go to the Friendship Hotel?

A.By Car.B.By taxi.C.By bike.


11.Where does the woman work ?

A.In Italy.

B.In Japan.

C.In America.

12.When does the woman read newspapers?

A.At night.

B.During the day.

C.In the shopping-time.

13. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Journalist and passer-by.

C.Editor and newspaper-seller.


14.What does the man want to do ?

A.To find a house with lower rent.

B.To share a room with his close friend.

C.To rent some place quiet enough to study.

15.Does the woman get familiar with the city ?

A.Maybe,as she has a little information to offer the man.

B.Sure,as she knows where to find what the man needs.

C.Yes,as she is in charge of the affairs.

16.What does the man probably do ?

A.A money cashier working in a supermarket.

B.A manager arranging part time jobs.

C.A student studying in a college.


17. What is the speaker doing?

A.Reporting a football game.

B.Telling a story of a football fan.

C.Giving a special report about a football team.

18. How did the team feel about the next day’s game?


19. What did Carlos say about the cup?

A.He was not very sure of winning the cup.

B. His team would try their best though there was little chance of winning the cup.

C.His team would win a cup even if they lost the  game.

20. Why did Carlos keep the names of starting players  a secret?

A.He wanted every player to be fully prepared for the game.

B.He hadn’t made the final decision about it yet.

C.He wanted to give the fans a surprise.


1~5.CBBCB     6~10.ABBAA

11~15.CABCB         16~20.CCCCA


(Text 1)

W:You want to buy this dictionary,right?

M:Yeah.The price is£14,but I’ve only got£9.

W:I’ve got£7 and I’ll lend you the rest.

(Text 2)

W:It is said that this novel has been translated into several languages.

M:That’s true.It is such an interesting novel.I’ve read it twice.

(Text 3)

M:Do you love dancing?

W:Yes.I’m crazy about it.

M:Let’s go dancing tonight.Is it OK with you?

W:Why not?

(Text 4)

W:Hi,Frank.How are you?

M:Fine,thanks.I’d like you to meet Jim.He’s a close friend of mine.

W:Nice to see you,Jim.

(Text 5)

M:Hi,Betty.How are things going with you?

W:Not bad.I need a summer job.

M:I was reading the wanted ads.Here’s something for you.Wanted:Waitress for a new restaurant.

W:Thank you.I’ll have a try.

(Text 6)

M:My mobile keeps going wrong.I’d like to buy a new one.

W:Don’t you see the price keeps going down these days? I insist that we wait some time so that we can save more money.

M:You have a point there,but it is inconvenient for me with  this broken mobile.Sometimes it powers off by itself.It really  makes me very angry when I am talking with someone.

W:In that case,you’d better buy a new one.

M:Well,I’ll buy one this evening after supper.

W:All right.

M:Let’s go to the shop together so that you can give me  some advice.

(Text 7)

W:Hi,John! I’d like to invite you to dinner this evening.

M:To dinner? What for?

W:I have passed my driving test!

M:Congratulations!  I’m really glad to hear that.

W:Thank you!  I have been preparing for it for half a year,you know.And I’ve made it at last.

M:So,where shall we have our dinner?

W:How about the Friendship Hotel? I like the food and service  there.

M:I agree.I’ll take you there in my car.

W:Fine.Let’s go at half past six.

(Text 8)

M:Excuse me,I’m a reporter from China Daily.I’d like to know what types of newspaper people often read.Would you mind answering a few questions?

W:No,not at all.

M:Can you tell me where you’re from,please?

W:Er,I was born in Japan and grew up in Italy.

M:Oh,sounds interesting.Are you used to living here,in New York city?

W:Very much so.I’ve been working in a college for three years.

M:Woo,a college teacher.And when do you normally read newspapers?

W:Well,I’m busy during the day,so usually after 8:00 o’clock at night.

M:What sections do you prefer?

W:I’m mainly interested in the shopping.Other than that,I also like the news.

(Text 9)

W:Do you have somewhere to stay in London,Peter?

M:No,I don’t.In fact,I was about to ask you if you could arrange some place for me to stay.

W:Yes,that’s no problem though I am not in charge of it.I’ll ask someone to arrange it for you.What kind of place were you considering?

M:Well,I don’t care if I share with other people,but I’m not good at housework.Maybe a home stay would be OK,but I don’t like young children,because they’re noisy and it’s difficult to study.Hopefully,I can live with a lady who has retired.

W:OK,that’s no problem.But I must warn you that living with a family in London is very expensive.Much more expensive than other small cities.

M:That’s not a big problem.I have some money saved.Besides,I can always get a part-time job.I’m working in a supermarket as a cashier now.So I don’t think I will have trouble with money.

W:Sounds good.I’ll call you if I get some information about that.

M:OK,that’s great.Thank you very much.

W:You are welcome.

(Text 10)

I spoke to Carlos Rovel,the Springfield captain,at his hotel last night.I asked him if he expected to win tomorrow’s game,Carlos told me that his team was in very good condition,that they were playing very well,and that he felt they definitely deserved to win.He said it would be a terrible surprise if they didn’t.He knew it was going to be a hard game,but he was looking forward to it.He wasn’t worried,and other players weren’t nervous either.I then asked him about the cup.He said they could lose the game but still win a cup,but that was not what he wanted.He told me the team was training this afternoon to get used to the field.When I asked him who would play,he said that was a secret,and we would know it an hour before the game started.He said that sometimes people became too careless because they didn’t think that maybe he was going to be a starting player.


