读英文报 法国新总统

读英文报 法国新总统


From USA May 8, 2017

Profile: France's new president Emmanuel Macron never held elected office

Emmanuel Macron becomes France's youngest president, after the 39-year-old former investment banker and economy minister defeated anti-immigration nationalist (民族主义者) Marine Le Pen in Sunday's presidential runoff(决胜投票).

Macron's precocious (较早显出的) achievement erases a record held since 1848 by Louis Napoleon Bonaparte — Napoleon’s nephew. He won the French presidency at age 40.

Macron has never held elected office.

France's 25th president is a business-friendly centrist (温和派; (政治上的) 中立派) who emerged from relative obscurity (默默无闻)only a year ago, when he launched an independent political movement called En Marche! that promised to break with decades of French political tradition and rule neither from the left nor right.

He quit incumbent (在职者) President François Hollande's Socialist government to run for office as an independent after Hollande decided not to seek a second term.

Macron's victory represents a forceful repudiation(否认; 拒绝; 断绝关系; 抛弃;) of a European backlash (反击,强烈抵制) against Muslim immigration and unity across the continent, both threatened by Le Pen, who favored letting France leave the 28-nation European Union.

He is a charismatic (有魅力的;)and confident speaker who is married to a former high school teacher who is 20 years older than he is.

In a last-minute endorsement (背书; 认可; 支持,签注(文件)), former U.S. president Barack Obama publicly announced he favors Macron, saying in a video that he was "not planning to get involved in many elections now that I don’t have to run for office but the French election is very important to the future of France and the values that we care so much about."

Obama said he supported Macron because he appealed to "people’s hopes and not their fears."

In his speech to supporters Sunday, Macron promised to unify the country "with love."

Macron is not technically France's youngest-ever ruler. King Louis XIV was just 4 years old when he started to rule France in 1643.

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