step 1——自己录一段,自由发挥,准备多久都行。
step 2——看要点讲解
step 3——听示范录音
step 4——再录一段重新调整后的介绍,反复练习!反复练习!反复练习!
Are your friends mostly your age or different ages? Why?
Most of my friends are my own age. But yes, I have few friends who are senior to me and I can remember having 2-3 friends who are younger than I am. Basically, most of my friends are from my college and that’s why naturally they are contemporary to me age. I have few friends from my locality and they became my friends mostly because we played together and shared many common interests. Somehow in my locality, young people prefer playmates of their ages. This is one of the main reasons they belong to my age group.
The last time you saw yourfriends, what did you do together?
In what ways are your friends important toyou?