Twelfth Night 1.5

Twelfth Night 1.5


Scene 5 / running scene 5
第五场 / 第五景

Enter Maria and Clown [Feste]

MARIA Nay, either tell me where thou hast been, or I will not open my lips so wide as a bristle may enter in way of thy excuse. My lady will hang thee for thy absence.
玛利娅 不,除非告诉我你去哪儿了,否则我才不开口替你求情,我会把嘴闭得连一根刚毛也进不来。因为找不到你,小姐要绞死你哪。

FESTE Let her hang me: he that is well hanged in this world needs to fear no colours.
费斯特 随她把我绞死吧。世上能有人得享绞绳,啥套索也不怕了。

MARIA Make that good.
玛利娅 你说明白点儿。

FESTE He shall see none to fear.
费斯特 看不到了,自然啥也不怕。

MARIA A good lenten answer. I can tell thee where that saying was born, of 'I fear no colours.'
玛利娅 好牵强的回答。我知道你那句“啥套索也不怕了”出自哪里。

FESTE Where, good Mistress Mary?
费斯特 出自哪里?好玛利姑娘!

MARIA In the wars, and that may you be bold to say in your foolery.
玛利娅 出自战争。一个出丑卖乖之人,竟大胆老脸说这个。

FESTE Well, God give them wisdom that have it, and those that are fools, let them use their talents.
费斯特 嗯。上帝让智者拥有智慧,让小丑出乖露丑。人尽其才。

MARIA Yet you will be hanged for being so long absent, or, to be turned away, is not that as good as a hanging to you?
玛利娅 这么久找不到你,你还是会被绞杀,或者被辞掉。那不是和绞死一样妙?

FESTE Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage, and, for turning away, let summer bear it out.
费斯特 好好绞死避免了很多糟糕婚姻。卷铺盖嘛,夏天还能受得了。

MARIA You are resolute, then?
玛利娅 那你决定了?

FESTE Not so, neither. But I am resolved on two points.
费斯特 没呢。但有两条我可以确定。

MARIA That if one break, the other will hold, or if both break, your gaskins fall.
玛利娅 那要是一条断了,另一条还能用;如果两条都断了,你的马裤可就掉了。

FESTE Apt, in good faith, very apt. Well, go thy way. If Sir Toby would leave drinking, thou wert as witty a piece of Eve's flesh as any in Illyria.
费斯特 妙!真的,太妙了!好,去一边吧。要是托比爵士能戒掉酒,你的聪明机智也不逊色任何一个伊利里亚女人。

MARIA Peace, you rogue, no more o'that. Here comes my lady: make your excuse wisely, you were best.
玛利娅 闭嘴,坏家伙,别说了。小姐来了。你要真行,就找个好借口吧。


Enter Lady Olivia with Malvolio[and Attendants]

FESTE Wit, an't be thy will, put me into good fooling! Those wits, that think they have thee, do very oft prove fools, and I that am sure I lack thee, may pass for a wise man. For what says Quinapalus? 'Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.'—God bless thee, lady.
费斯特 机智!若你愿意,教我好好糊弄过去!聪明人总觉得自己聪明,不料总是证明是傻子。我自知缺你相伴,说不定能混个聪明人当当。昆那珀勒斯那句话怎么说来着?“聪明的傻子好过愚蠢的聪明人。”——上帝保佑你,小姐!


To Olivia

OLIVIA Takef the fool away.
奥丽维亚 把这个傻子弄走。

To Attendants

FESTE Do you not hear, fellows? Take away the lady.
费斯特 没听到吗,跟班儿?把这位小姐弄走!

OLIVIA Go to, you're a dry fool. I'll no more of you. Besides, you grow dishonest.
奥丽维亚 走开,你这个干瘪无趣的傻子。我不用你了。另外,你学会不忠于职守了。

FESTE Two faults, Madonna, that drink and good counsel will amend. For give the dry fool drink, then is the fool not dry: bid the dishonest man mend himself. If he mend, he is no longer dishonest; if he cannot, let the botcher mend him. Anything that's mended is but patched: virtue that transgresses is but patched with sin, and sin that amends is but patched with virtue. If that this simple syllogism will serve, so. If it will not, what remedy? As there is no true cuckold but calamity, so beauty's a flower. The lady bade take away the fool: therefore, I say again, take her away.
费斯特 小姐,这两处不足可用酒和规劝来弥补。把酒给干瘪无趣的傻子,傻子就不干瘪了;让不忠于职守的人自我补救。若他修补得好,他就不再是不尽职。若他不行,就让缝补匠来为他修补。所有经过修补的东西都有补丁。德行有亏,改过后缀上恶的补丁;改邪归正,邪打上了正的补丁。若还行,这个简单的推理就成立。若不管用,还能怎么补救?就像戴绿帽子的人总归倒霉,美人就是一朵花。小姐下令弄走傻子,因此,我再说一遍,把她弄走。
OLIVIA Sir, I bade them take away you.
奥丽维亚 先生,我让他们带走你!

FESTE Misprision in the highest degree! Lady, cucullus non facit monachum: that's as much to say as I wear not motley in my brain. Good madonna, give me leave to prove you a fool.
费斯特 这可是最大的错误!小姐,“戴僧帽,未必是僧人”,也就是说我虽穿着傻子服装,我脑子可不傻。好小姐,允许我证明您才是傻子。

OLIVIA Can you do it?
奥丽维亚 你能做到?

FESTE Dexteriously, good madonna.
费斯特 很简单,好小姐。

OLIVIA Make your proof.
奥丽维亚 你来证明呀。

FESTE I must catechize you for it, madonna. Good my mouse of virtue, answer me.
费斯特 我要盘问您,小姐。善良高尚的小老鼠,回答我。

OLIVIA Well, sir, for want of other idleness, I'll bide your proof.
奥丽维亚 好吧,先生,反正别无消遣。我让你证明吧。

FESTE Good madonna, why mourn'st thou?
费斯特 好小姐,您为何悲伤?

OLIVIA Good fool, for my brother's death.
奥丽维亚 大傻子,为了我兄长的辞世啊。

FESTE I think his soul is in hell, madonna.
费斯特 我认为他的灵魂下了地狱,小姐。

OLIVIA I know his soul is in heaven, fool.
奥丽维亚 我知道他的灵魂上了天堂,傻子。

FESTE The more fool, madonna, to mourn for your brother's soul being in heaven. Take away the fool, gentlemen.
费斯特 更傻了,小姐,您兄长的灵魂上了天堂,您还要悲伤。把这个傻子带走,侍从们。

OLIVIA What think you of this fool, Malvolio? Doth he not mend?
奥丽维亚 你怎样看这个傻子,马伏里奥?他是不是长进了?

MALVOLIO Yes, and shall do till the pangs of death shake him. Infirmity, that decays the wise, doth ever make the better fool.
马伏里奥 是的,直到死亡的痛苦降临,他只会越来越傻。衰病损害智者,却让傻子更傻。

FESTE God send you, sir, a speedy infirmity, for the better increasing your folly! Sir Toby will be sworn that I am no fox, but he will not pass his word for twopence that you are no fool.
费斯特 先生,上帝会立即给你送上衰病,好让你更愚蠢!托比爵士愿发誓我不狡猾,但给他两便士他也不愿发话说你不是傻子。

OLIVIA How say you to that, Malvolio?
奥丽维亚 你对此怎么看?马伏里奥!

MALVOLIO I marvel your ladyship takes delight in such a barren rascal. I saw him put down the other day with an ordinary fool that has no more brain than a stone. Look you now, he's out of his guard already. Unless you laugh and minister occasion to him, he is gagged. I protest, I take these wise men, that crow so at these set kind of fools, no better than the fools' zanies.
马伏里奥 我惊叹小姐您竟让个傻瓜蛋逗得这么开心。那天我见他败给一个比石头还笨的普通小丑。现在您看,他已经语无伦次。除非您发笑,替他制造机会,否则他就没词了。我发誓,那些让这般傻瓜逗得哈哈大笑的聪明人,并不比傻子的助手强。

OLIVIA O, you are sick of self-love, Malvolio, and taste with a distempered appetite. To be generous, guiltless and of free disposition is to take those things for bird-bolts that you deem cannon-bullets. There is no slander in an allowed fool, though he do nothing but rail; nor no railing in a known discreet man, though he do nothing but reprove.
奥丽维亚 哎呀,你太自恋了,马伏里奥,用偏执的口味把东西品尝。慷慨、坦荡、公正之人眼中的鸟箭,你却会看成机关炮弹。一个宫廷特许的小丑不会诽谤人,虽然他只会把人奚落;一个众所周知的老成者不会奚落人,虽然他总爱把人斥责。

FESTE Now Mercury endue thee with leasing, for thou speak'st well of fools.
费斯特 愿墨丘利赋予您撒谎的本事,因为您替傻子说了好话。

Enter Maria

MARIA Madam, there is at the gate a young gentleman much desires to speak with you.
玛利娅 小姐,门外有位年轻绅士很想和您说话。

OLIVIA From the Count Orsino, is it?
奥丽维亚 从奥西诺公爵处来的吧,对不对?

MARIA I know not, madam. 'Tis a fair young man, and well attended.
玛利娅 我不知道,小姐。是位英俊的年轻人,随从甚多。

OLIVIA Who of my people hold him in delay?
奥丽维亚 我这边谁在敷衍他?

MARIA Sir Toby, madam, your kinsman.
玛利娅 托比爵士,小姐,您的族人。

OLIVIA Fetch him off, I pray you. He speaks nothing but madman. Fie on him!—
奥丽维亚 拜托,让他出去。他讲话像个疯子。真是讨厌!——

[Exit Maria]

Go you, Malvolio; if it be a suit from the count, I am sick, or not at home. What you will, to dismiss it.—Exit Malvolio

Now you see, sir, how your fooling grows old, and people dislike it.

FESTE Thou hast spoke for us, madonna, as if thy eldest son should be a fool, whose skull Jove cram with brains, for — here he comes —
费斯特 您替我们说话了,小姐,就像您的大儿子也该是个傻子,他的头颅让乔武填满了脑子,因为——来的这位——

Enter Sir Toby

one of thy kin has a most weak pia mater.

OLIVIA By mine honour, half drunk.— What is he at the gate, cousin?
奥丽维亚 我敢发誓,他已经半醉了。——门口那位是做什么的,叔父?

To Sir Toby

SIR TOBY A gentleman.
托比爵士 是位绅士。

OLIVIA A gentleman? What gentleman?
奥丽维亚 绅士?什么绅士?

SIR TOBY 'Tis a gentleman here— a plague o'these pickle herring!— How now, sot?
托比爵士 这是位绅士——这些该死的腌鲱鱼!——怎样了?醉了?

Belches/To Feste

FESTE Good Sir Toby!
费斯特 好托比爵士!

OLIVIA Cousin, cousin, how have you come so early by this lethargy?
奥丽维亚 叔父,叔父你怎么一大早就喝醉了?

SIR TOBY Lechery? I defy lechery. There's one at the gate.
托比爵士 喝醉?我没醉。门口有个人醉了。

OLIVIA Ay, marry, what is he?
奥丽维亚 是的。圣母马利亚,他是谁?

SIR TOBY Let him be the devil, an he will, I care not. Give me faith, say I. Well, it's all one.
托比爵士 他愿意当魔鬼,他就是魔鬼。我才不关心呢。上帝保佑,都是一回事儿。


OLIVIA What's a drunken man like, fool?
奥丽维亚 傻子,醉汉像什么?

FESTE Like a drowned man, a fool and a madman: one draught above heat makes him a fool, the second mads him, and a third drowns him.
费斯特 像溺水之人、傻瓜、疯子,饮酒暖身之余,多一口发傻,两口发疯,三口则溺毙。

OLIVIA Go thou and seek the crowner, and let him sit o'my coz, for he's in the third degree of drink: he's drowned. Go look after him.
奥丽维亚 去找验尸官,让他来查验一下我叔父,他的酒已喝到第三期,他已溺她戴上面纱

FESTE He is but mad yet, madonna, and the fool shall look to the  madman.
费斯特 小姐,他只是疯了,傻子要去照顾疯子了。


Enter Malvolio

MALVOLIO Madam, yond young fellow swears he will speak with you. I told him you were sick, he takes on him to understand so much, and therefore comes to speak with you. I told him you were asleep — he seems to have a foreknowledge of that too — and therefore comes to speak with you. What is to be said to him, lady? He's fortified against any denial.
马伏里奥 小姐,那个年轻人赌咒发誓说要和您说句话。我说您病了,他说他很明白这个情况,因此过来和您说句话。我说您睡了——他好像对此也先知先觉——因此要过来和您说句话。小姐,该怎么回复他呢?他能应对所有的托词。

OLIVIA Tell him he shall not speak with me.
奥丽维亚 跟他说我不要听他说话。

MALVOLIO He's been told so, and he says he'll stand at your door like a sheriff's post, and be the supporter to a bench, but he'll speak with you.
马伏里奥 我告诉他了。他说要像郡长门前的立柱一样站在您的门口,或者像长凳腿儿那样站着。他定要和您说句话。

OLIVIA What kind o'man is he?
奥丽维亚 他是哪一类人?

MALVOLIO Why, of mankind.
马伏里奥 嗨,就是一人类呀。

OLIVIA What manner of man?
奥丽维亚 他举止如何?

MALVOLIO Of very ill manner. He'll speak with you, will you or no.
马伏里奥 很粗鲁。他定要和您说话,不管您乐不乐意。

OLIVIA Of what personage and years is he?
奥丽维亚 他长得怎么样?年纪多大?

MALVOLIO Not yet old enough for a man, nor young enough for a boy. As a squash is before 'tis a peascod, or a codling when 'tis almost an apple: 'tis with him in standing water, between boy and man. He is very well-favoured and he speaks very shrewishly. One would think his mother's milk were scarce out of him.
马伏里奥 说是个男人,他太小了;说是个男孩,又太大了。像个嫩豆荚,或者说像个快熟的苹果蛋儿吧。他恰在男人和男孩之间。他长得挺好看,声音却太尖。估计他刚断奶。

OLIVIA Let him approach. Call in my gentlewoman.
奥丽维亚 让他来吧。唤我的侍女进来。

MALVOLIO Gentlewoman, my lady calls.
马伏里奥 姑娘,小姐找你。

下Enter Maria

OLIVIA Give me my veil. Come, throw it o'er my face. We'll once more hear Orsino's embassy.
奥丽维亚 把面纱给我。过来,罩在我脸上。我们再来听听奥西诺派来的使者怎么说。

She is veiled

Enter Viola [and Attendants]

VIOLA The honourable lady of the house, which is she?
薇奥拉 此处尊贵的女主人,她是哪位?

OLIVIA Speak to me, I shall answer for her. Your will?
奥丽维亚 和我说就行,我替她回答。你此来何意?

VIOLA Most radiant, exquisite and unmatchable beauty — I pray you tell me if this be the lady of the house, for I never saw her. I would be loath to cast away my speech, for besides that it is excellently well penned, I have taken great pains to con it. Good beauties, let me sustain no scorn; I am very comptible, even to the least sinister usage.
薇奥拉 最耀目、优雅的绝世佳人!请告诉我您是否是此处的女主人?我从未见过她。我不愿辞令虚掷,这可是精心写下、花大力气背下来的。好美人,别让我难堪。我很敏感,一点儿怠慢都受不了。

OLIVIA Whence came you, sir?
奥丽维亚 先生从何处来?

VIOLA I can say little more than I have studied, and that question's out of my part. Good gentle one, give me modest assurance, if you be the lady of the house, that I may proceed in my speech.
薇奥拉 除了我背诵的,其他我没法说。您的问题我没背。温柔善良的姑娘,给我一点儿提示您是否是此处的女主人。若是,我就呈上我的演讲。

OLIVIA Are you a comedian?
奥丽维亚 你是个喜剧演员?

VIOLA No, my profound heart. And yet, by the very fangs of malice, I swear I am not that I play. Are you the lady of the house?
薇奥拉 不是,聪明的小姐。以怨恨的毒牙起誓,我不是我所扮演的人。您是贵府的女主人?

OLIVIA If I do not usurp myself, I am.
奥丽维亚 若我不算盗用我自己,我是。

VIOLA Most certain, if you are she, you do usurp yourself, for what is yours to bestow is not yours to reserve. But this is from my commission. I will on with my speech in your praise, and then show you the heart of my message.
薇奥拉 当然算盗用。如果您是她,您当然盗用了您自己。您施予出去的非您所保留的,但这不在我受托之内。我要在讲话之前先把您赞美,再向您说明此行的主旨。

OLIVIA Come to what is important in't. I forgive you the praise.
奥丽维亚 讲重点吧,免去那些奉承。

VIOLA Alas, I took great pains to study it, and 'tis poetical.
薇奥拉 哎呀!这可是花了我好大心思来研究的,很有诗意。

OLIVIA It is the more like to be feigned. I pray you keep it in. I heard you were saucy at my gates, and allowed your approach rather to wonder at you than to hear you. If you be not mad, be gone. If you have reason, be brief. 'Tis not that time of moon with me to make one in so skipping a dialogue.
奥丽维亚 那就更假了,拜托还是你自己留着吧。听说你在我门口很无礼,我让你进来是好奇你这个人,不是要听你讲话。你要不疯,赶紧离开。你要有理智,长话短说。我现在没心思理会疯子,听那些疯话。

MARIA Will you hoist sail, sir? Here lies your way.
玛利娅 先生,能扯帆启航了吗?这边走。

VIOLA No, good swabber, I am to hull here a little longer. Some mollification for your giant, sweet lady; tell me your mind, I am a messenger.
薇奥拉 不,好水手。我还要在这儿漂一会儿。尊敬的小姐,请让这位巨人少安毋躁。您有话请告诉我,我是位使者。

OLIVIA Sure, you have some hideous matter to deliver, when the courtesy of it is so fearful. Speak your office.
奥丽维亚 嗯,举止惊人,你定有可怕的事情要说。讲讲你的来意。

VIOLA It alone concerns your ear. I bring no overture of war, no taxation of homage; I hold the olive in my hand. My words are as full of peace as matter.
薇奥拉 这只能您听。我来不为宣战,亦非课税。我手握橄榄枝,我所来全是为了和平。

OLIVIA Yet you began rudely. What are you? What would you?
奥丽维亚 但你开头却粗鲁无礼。你是何人?此来何意?

VIOLA The rudeness that hath appeared in me have I learned from my entertainment. What I am, and what I would, are as secret as maidenhead: to your ears, divinity: to any other's, profanation.
薇奥拉 我的粗鲁来自我受到的待遇。我是何人,我因何而来,这些秘密像童贞一样。您听,是神圣;别人听,则是亵渎。

OLIVIA Give us the place alone. We will hear this divinity.
奥丽维亚 让我们俩单独待会儿。我要听听是什么神圣之事。

[Exeunt Maria and Attendants]

Now, sir, what is your text?

VIOLA Most sweet lady—
薇奥拉 我最美丽的小姐——

OLIVIA A comfortable doctrine, and much may be said of it. Where lies your text?
奥丽维亚 一定是可人的教义,从开头就能听出来。你的经文在哪里?

VIOLA In Orsino's bosom.
薇奥拉 在奥西诺的心里。

OLIVIA In his bosom? In what chapter of his bosom?
奥丽维亚 在他心里?他心里第几章?

VIOLA To answer by the method, in the first of his heart.
薇奥拉 照此说法,他心灵的第一章。

OLIVIA O, I have read it: it is heresy. Have you no more to say?
奥丽维亚 啊,我读过了,那是异端。你有别的要说吗?

VIOLA Good madam, let me see your face.
薇奥拉 尊敬的小姐,请允许我看一下您的脸。

OLIVIA Have you any commission from your lord to negotiate with my face? You are now out of your text. But we will draw the curtain and show you the picture.
奥丽维亚 难道你家大人还派你来和我的脸商谈?你现在把经文放一边吧。但我们可以撩起面纱,让你看看这幅画。瞧瞧吧,先生,我就是这样一幅画像。画工精湛,不是吗?

Look you, sir, such a one I was this present. Is't not well done?
薇奥拉 精妙极了,如果都出自上帝之手。

OLIVIA 'Tis in grain, sir, 'twill endure wind and weather.
奥丽维亚 纯天然的,先生。能经受住风吹日晒呢。

VIOLA 'Tis beauty truly blent, whose red and white
薇奥拉 这种美浑然天成,红和白

Nature's own sweet and cunning hand laid on.

Lady, you are the cruell'st she alive,

If you will lead these graces to the grave

And leave the world no copy.

OLIVIA O, sir, I will not be so hard-hearted. I will give out divers schedules of my beauty. It shall be inventoried, and every particle and utensil labelled to my will: as, item, two lips, indifferent red: item, two grey eyes, with lids to them: item, one neck, one chin and so forth. Were you sent hither to praise me?
奥丽维亚 啊,先生,我才不是那样铁石心肠。我要为我的美貌开列几个清单。这会是我的详细目录,每一项都要附在我的遗嘱之上。例如,一条:唇两片,红色;另一条:灰色眼睛一双,连着眼皮;又一条:脖颈一,下颏一等等。你是派来恭维我的吗?

VIOLA I see you what you are, you are too proud.
薇奥拉 我知道您的为人了,骄傲过甚。

But if you were the devil, you are fair.

My lord and master loves you. O, such love

Could be but recompensed, though you were crowned

The nonpareil of beauty!

OLIVIA How does he love me?
奥丽维亚 他怎样爱我?

VIOLA With adorations, fertile tears,
薇奥拉 满心崇拜,泪水涟涟,

With groans that thunder love, with sighs of fire.

OLIVIA Your lord does know my mind: I cannot love him.
奥丽维亚 你家主公知道我的心思,我不会爱他。

Yet I suppose him virtuous, know him noble,

Of great estate, of fresh and stainless youth;

In voices well divulged, free, learned and valiant,

And in dimension and the shape of nature

A gracious person; but yet I cannot love him.

He might have took his answer long ago.

VIOLA If I did love you in my master's flame,
薇奥拉 若我像我家主人一样爱您如狂,

With such a suff'ring, such a deadly life,

In your denial I would find no sense,

I would not understand it.

OLIVIA Why, what would you?
奥丽维亚 咦?你要做什么?

VIOLA Make me a willow cabin at your gate,
薇奥拉 让我在您门前搭一间柳木小屋,

And call upon my soul within the house,

Write loyal cantons of contemnèd love

And sing them loud even in the dead of night,

Hallow your name to the reverberate hills

And make the babbling gossip of the air

Cry out 'Olivia!' O, you should not rest

Between the elements of air and earth,

But you should pity me!

OLIVIA You might do much. What is your parentage?
奥丽维亚 你能做得更好。你父母是做什么的?

VIOLA Above my fortunes, yet my state is well:
薇奥拉 比我地位高。我的出身也不错,

I am a gentleman.

OLIVIA Get you to your lord.
奥丽维亚 去回复你家主公,

I cannot love him. Let him send no more,

Unless, perchance, you come to me again,

To tell me how he takes it. Fare you well:

I thank you for your pains. Spend this for me.

Offers a purse

VIOLA I am no fee'd post, lady; keep your purse.
薇奥拉 小姐,我不是花钱雇来的,请把钱袋收回。

My master, not myself, lacks recompense.

Love make his heart of flint that you shall love,

And let your fervour, like my master's, be

Placed in contempt! Farewell, fair cruelty.


OLIVIA 'What is your parentage?'
奥丽维亚 “你父母是做什么的?”

'Above my fortunes, yet my state is well;

I am a gentleman.' I'll be sworn thou art.

Thy tongue, thy face, thy limbs, actions and spirit,

Do give thee five-fold blazon. Not too fast. Soft, soft!

Unless the master were the man. How now?

Even so quickly may one catch the plague?

Methinks I feel this youth's perfections

With an invisible and subtle stealth

To creep in at mine eyes. Well, let it be.

What ho, Malvolio!

Enter Malvolio

MALVOLIO Here, madam, at your service.
马伏里奥 我在这儿,小姐,听候您吩咐。

OLIVIA Run after that same peevish messenger,
奥丽维亚 追上那位顽固的信使,

The county's man. He left this ring behind him,

Gives a ring

Would I or not. Tell him I'll none of it.

Desire him not to flatter with his lord,

Nor hold him up with hopes. I am not for him.

If that the youth will come this way tomorrow,

I'll give him reasons for't. Hie thee, Malvolio.

MALVOLIO Madam, I will.
马伏里奥 是,小姐。


OLIVIA I do I know not what, and fear to find
奥丽维亚 我茫然不知做了什么,只怕

Mine eye too great a flatterer for my mind.

Mine eye too great a flatterer for my mind.

Fate, show thy force. Ourselves we do not owe.

