Unit 1 , Unit 2 答案

Unit 1 , Unit 2 答案


Unit 1 The lion and the mouse

Story time

一、happy; lion; quietly; large; soon; net; loudly; bite; 

strong; sharp; happily; sadly; mouse; weak

二、in the forest; walk by; 

be angry; wake sb. up; 

with his teeth; some day;

 let ... go; the next day;

  just then; 小声地说 ;


三、1. One day, a mouse walked by and woke the lion up.

2. The lion was angry and wanted to eat themouse.

3. The next day, two men caught the lionwith a large net.

4. The lion bit the net with his sharpteeth, but that did not help.

5. Soon, the mouse made a big hole in thenet with his teeth.

6.From then on, the lion and the mousebecame friends.

7. How can you help me?

四、1. lion; large; strong 2. eat me; help; quietly; small; weak; How;loudly 3. get out; sadly

Grammar time—Culture time

—、 excitedlysadlyslowlyquietlyquicklyhappilyloudlycarefully

二、 stronghappilysmallbitloudletquietwokesadlycatch

三、1. The lion asked sadly.   2. Thelion laughed loudly.   3 . The mouse saidquietly.

4.The mouse said happily.  5. What do you want to buy?  6.     Whatare you doing here?

四、1. comes  2. weak; How  3. can; animal stories  4. Chinese; manyanimal stories

Cartoon time--Ticking time


二、play table tennis happilybe good at table tennispour …… into

the fox and the crow;  the monkeys and the moon;  be too excited;

bring some water quickly; hit the ball hard

三、1. You’re really good at table tennis, Sam.     

2.Finally, San and Bobby finda hole in the ground.  

3. I can’t reach it.  

4. He brings some water quickly and poursit into the hole.

5. Last Sunday, I went to a shopping centrewith my mum and dad. 

6. I like helping people. What about you?

Unit 2 Good habits

Story time

一、habitneverfast;  finishlatebad;  sleepy;  tidy

二、 keep his room clean and tidy;  have some bad habits

get upearly in the morningnever get up late

brushone’s teeth before bedtimedo one’s homework late in the evening

help hisparentsput his things in order

walkfastgo to bed late

feelsleepy; finish his homework before dinner

listento the teacher at school

三、1. He has many goodhabits. 

     He gets up early in the morning and never go to bed late. 

2. He sometimes feels sleepy in themorning.

3. He usually finishes his homework beforedinner. 

4. He also does well at home. But he hassome bad habits. 

四、1. good; habits; early; never; late; brushes; teeth; bedtime; 

        puts;in order; finishes;   before dinner

2. listens to; does well; keeps; clean; tidy; helps; bad habits;late; early

Grammar time—Song time

一、does;  walks;  feels;  gets; has;   finishes;  goes;  puts

二、after dirty earlyalwaysgoodsleep watches put getting habit

三、1. I walks fast in the street. 

2.We do well at home. 

3.He gets up early in the morning.  He sometimes feels sleepy in themorning. 

4. She goes to bed late at night. 

4. We usually finish our homework beforedinner. 

5. They often do their homework in theevening. 

Cartoon time—Ticking time

一、slow  bad should  bedroom tidy  floor

二、come to see her; 看见许多书和玩具;   

show you around our houseput your books and toys in order 

go into the living room go into Tina’s bedroom 

in Bobby’s bedroom; 在学校表现差

三、1. Whose bedroom is this? 

2.Let me show you around our house. 

3. You should put your books and toys inorder. 

四、Wang Bing is a good boy. He has many good habits. He gets up earlyin the morning and never goes to bed late. He brushes his teeth in the morningand before bedtime. At home, Wang Bing always puts his things in order. Heusually finishes his homework before dinner. Liu Tao is a good boy too. Helistens to his teachers at school. He also does well at home. He keeps his roomclean and tidy. He also helps his parents. But Liu Tao has some bad habits. Heoften does his homework late at night and doesn’t go to bed early. He sometimesfeels sleepy in the morning.

