2020年9月18日版 学生习作 Say No to Social Media

2020年9月18日版 学生习作 Say No to Social Media

Say No to Social Media 第2676期(上海青浦区世界外国语学校)
Some IT companies have set up social media platforms for children under the age of 18. But I won’t use these platforms; in fact, I am strongly against them.
In the first place, many teenagers don’t know how to protect themselves on the internet. They may give away personal information, like names, selfies, phone numbers and home addresses, by accident. Criminals(罪犯) may make use of the information. They may pretend to make friends with you and then threaten(威胁) you so that you give them money. Teenagers are often too young to judge who’s trustworthy(可信任的) and who’s not.
Secondly many young people lack(缺乏) self-discipline(自律). If they meet someone online who likes playing video games, for example, they may become addicted(上瘾的) to gaming, too. In the long run, their school performance will be negatively(负面的) affected.
For these reasons, I will never use social media before I am 18 years old. As teenagers, we should just focus on our studies and make friends with people around us.
