Intro To Affirmation

Intro To Affirmation

The human mind is one of the most powerful and important tool that we have access to. We are what we think and what we think, we become.


“I Am” these two little words possess the most incredible life altering power of any and all other words in the world. The words “I am” are yours and yours only. No one else can say I am for you. I challenge you to be more conscious of your thoughts.


Speak and act from a place of love, positivity, and watch your life change. In this series, I
will be reciting some positive affirmations. These I am affirmations will help you let go of self limiting beliefs, and allow new positive thoughts and beliefs to construct in your subconscious mind.


After I say each affirmation, I want you to repeat the affirmation back to yourself, out loud, in your head, or write it down on a piece of paper. Imagine how it feels to already have that trait. The key is to visualize in present tense. Do this, every morning for 21 days in a row. This will create a habit and ultimately change your life. Let’s begin...


  • 和光同尘_wei


    MaryannMa 回复 @和光同尘_wei: 感恩您魏老师 我会继续丰富自己,期待未来有机会为孩子们做力所能及的贡献!🙏❤️

  • 听友282388315


    MaryannMa 回复 @听友282388315: 感恩您的支持!我会为大家继续录制的!