1、As soon as we are born, the world gets to work on us and transforms us from merely biological into social units.
2、I don'tknow if;you'd call it a hobby, but to stretch it a little,you could say music appreciation is my hobby.
3、Irene Pepperberg, a researcher at Northwestern University, is discovering that a parrot can not only mimic people but also learn the meaning of words.
4、I was going to hand in my application form to the boss today, but he beat me to the punch.
5、Attention is focussed on the potential for growth of the personal and industrial use garbage compactor market in relation to trends in law.
6、Not wanting to boast but I've never got better than a 3 on my report card for home economics.Out of 10 that is.
7、There is no more dangerous experiment than that of undertaking to be one thing before a man's face and another behind his back.