【英】《柳林风声》第11集:The Further Adventures of Toad

【英】《柳林风声》第11集:The Further Adventures of Toad


When Toad awoke the next morning, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. He had been dreaming he was at home in a warm bed. One look around, and he knew it was just a dream. He was cold and shivery. But then he remembered something important. He was free. Free! The word alone was worth fifty blankets.


Toad warmed up at the thought of the jolly world that awaited him. He combed the dry leaves out of his hair and marched forth into the warm sun. He was cold but confident, hungry but hopeful.


He had the world to himself this fine morning.


The dewy woodland was still. Toad longed for someone to talk to. Someone who could tell him which direction to go. He decided to follow the water’s edge, figuring it led somewhere.


Round a bend came a plodding horse. Toad stepped aside to let the horse pass. It was then that he saw it was attached to a barge. Its sole occupant was a large woman wearing a sunbonnet. She sailed the barge right next to him.


“Good morning, ma’am,”she remarked to Toad.


Toad responded,“Indeed, it is a good morning if you aren’t in trouble like I am. I need to get to my married daughter at once. I don’t know what’s wrong with her but I’m fearing the worst. I’m in the washing business, you know. I left my younger children to tend to my married daughter. I’ve lost my way and lost all my money.”


“Where does your married daughter live?”asked the large woman.


Toad spoke loudly.“Near the river. Not far from a fine house called Toad Hall. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?”


“Toad Hall? Why I’m going that way myself! This canal joins the river miles farther on. It brings you a little above Toad Hall but then it’s just a short walk. Come along with me and I’ll get you there.”


The woman steered the barge close to the bank. Toad stepped on board and sat down with great satisfaction. Toad’s luck again! he thought. I always come out on top.


“So, you’re in the washing business?”asked the woman as they glided along.


“I’m the best there is,”said Toad.“All the finest people send their clothes to me. Washing, ironing, making fine shirts. It all happens under my own eye.”


“Surely you don’t do all that work yourself?”asked the woman.


“I have workers, but I’m the best there is. I’m happy when I’ve got both arms in the washtub.”


“What luck,”said the woman.“I think good fortune has come to both of us.”


Toad wasn’t sure what she meant. He tried to change the subject, fearing what she would say next.


“There’s a heap of clothes in the cabin,”said the woman.“While I steer, you wash. I want to make you happy, after all.”


“Why don’t you let me steer?”asked Toad. He started to panic. He didn’t know the first thing about washing clothes!


The woman laughed.“And deny you the joy of washing? Never.”


Toad had no choice. He grabbed soap, fetched the tub, and selected a few items of clothing. He spent the next thirty minutes slapping, twisting, and punching the clothes.


Soon, his back ached. His webs were getting crinkly. He grew angrier and angrier.


A burst of laughter from behind made him stop washing.“I’ve been watching you the whole time,”said the woman.“You are not a washerwoman. You’ve never washed a thing in your life.”


Toad was angry and lost control of his temper.“I would have you know that I am Toad. I am a well-known, respected, and distinguished Toad. I will not be laughed at by you.”


The barge woman did not like being tricked.“You are a horrid little Toad.”With a flip of her arms, Toad was overboard in the cold water. Splash!


Toad was miffed! He swam to the shore and vowed revenge. Once ashore, he spied her horse up ahead. He jumped on its back, undid the ropes, and galloped into the countryside. Looking back, he saw the barge woman shouting,“Stop, stop, stop!”Toad laughed and rode the horse faster. That will teach her!


He had traveled some miles when his horse stopped to graze on the grass. Toad noticed a man sitting by a fire nearby. Toad could smell something wonderful cooking on his fire.


“Hello, friend,”said Toad.“I’m a hungry washerwoman.”


“I’ll trade you some food for that horse of yours,”said the man. He was a gypsy and moved quickly from place to place.


Toad was completely taken aback. He did not know that gypsies were fond of horse dealing. It had not occurred to him to sell the horse for money. But Toad wanted more than money. He wanted food and money.


“Give up my fine horse?”he said.“Out of the question. Unless you offer me lots of money and a morning bite to eat.”


“I’ll give you four shillings,”said the gypsy.


“Four? Not enough!”


“I’ll make it five,”said the gypsy.“No more.”


Toad was awfully hungry. He looked around. Were his enemies near? Five shillings would help him get home. But he wanted more.


“Look here, gypsy,”Toad said.“I’ll take six shillings and a meal. In return, you shall get my spirited horse with his harness thrown in for free.”


The two struck a deal. Toad ate hungrily and thought this was the finest breakfast he had ever had.


The gypsy knew the riverside well and told Toad which way to go. Toad immediately set forth on his travels again in the best possible spirit.


As he marched along, he thought how luck was always on his side. What a clever Toad I am. My enemies shut me up in prison. I escaped. They pursued me by train. I snapped my fingers at them and disappeared. I am thrown into a canal and I swim ashore and seize the barge woman’s horse. I sell the horse for lots of money and a breakfast. I am the handsome, clever Toad. The popular, successful Toad.


He sang a song about the Great Important Toad. He sang as he walked. He walked as he sang. His pride got more inflated by the minute. But his pride was shortly going to take a severe fall.








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