dino story-the big scare 双语

dino story-the big scare 双语


the big scare 谁都会害怕
Long , long ago there lived a dinosaur called Rex. 很早很早以前有一只恐龙叫做瑞克斯
''When I grow up , I'm going to be the biggest , scariest noisiest dinosaur ever. ''he roared .
 ''I'lI be just like my mum , and were not afraid of anything !'' said the little Tyrannosaurus rex. 
Rex didn't have many friends . 
He was just too big, too scary , and too noisy to play with. 
One day, Rex was stomping through the forest when he scared a trondon called Travis. 
''Aah ! Don't DO that . Rex!'' cried Travis. 
''I can do what I want ,'' roared Rex. 
''I'm going to be the biggest , scariest , noisiest dinosaur ever!''
Next , Rex Scared old Triceratops who was quietly eating leaves .
 "Aah ! " cried Trudi
''Stop doing that, Rex!''
''l'm not afraid of anything!'' replied Rex .
'' I'm going to be the biggest , scariest , noisiest dinosaur ever!''
Everyone was very tired of Rex Scaring them . 
So , the next day Travis and the other troodons came up with a plan. 
Travis found Rex in the forest and said. 
''You won't be the biggest dinosaur ever. My dad says there are lots of dinosaurs
bigger than you!''
Rex was furious ! ! So he chased after Travis , roaring loudly. 
Travis raced through the trees and led Rex down towards the lake .
 ''I can still be the scariest . noisiest dinosaur , even if I m not the biggest !''roared Rex . 
"  I'm no afraid of anything!''
Rex skidded to a halt by a group ofTroodons who were gathered in a circle. 
''Look what we found.'' they said , showing Rex
some bright white things. 
''What ARE they ? " whispered Rex . 
The bright white things were Flowers , but not many dinosaurs had ever seen them before. 
suddenly , a low humming sound came from inside one of the flowers . 
''Aaahhh!'' bellowed Rex , backing away. 
''Buzzzz , buzz !'' said the flower again , and Rex ran shrieking into the trees. 
''Look !'' said Travis . ''It's just a little stripy thing ,'' and a buzzy bee crawled out of the flower. 
''Rex was so Scared ! We're not afraid of him now ,'' laughed the troodons. 
But Rex was too far away to hear them . 
He ran and ran and ran until he found Trudi Triceratops. 
Rex told Trudi all about the buzzing white things. 
So Trudi decided to go to the lake and see for herself. 
Rex watched from behind a rock as Trudi walked closer to the lake , the white flowers and the stripy buzzing things
''Aahh . these are flowers !'' said the wise , old Triceratops. 
''You'll see many more of these as the world begins to change . And these buzzy things are bees.  They help the flowers grow , There's nothing scary here. '' said Trudi. 
Rex sat quietly on a rock looking around him. 
''But I WAS scared ", said Rex to himself . 
''And I'm not supposed to be afraid of anything !''
''Yeah !'' shouted Travis popping up behind Rex . “耶!”查韦斯从瑞克斯身后跳起来喊到。
" Terrible Rex is scared of flowers . Ha , ha !''
''Everyone is scared of something , said Trudi . " But it isn't nice to be teased about. ''
''Rex teased us all the time. '' replied Travis . 
''And he was always scaring us with his roaring. ''
Suddenly , a deafening noise racked the lake . 
It sounded just like a giant horn ! 
''Waaaaaaaaal~ “呜呜呜呜”
What was that ? " cried Travis . as he leaped  into Rexs arms. 
Seconds later , Piper the Parasaurolophus appeared out of the water and blew her head
crest again
"Ha , ha ! It's only Piper''
laughed Rex putting Travis down. 
''You were really scared. ''
''So were you !'' shouted Travis over the noise. 
''But everyone's scared of something. So I'Il never be the biggest scariest or noisiest dinosaur. ''sighed Rex ,
 ''I'm scared of flowers , bees and loud noises .''
''But Rex , we like you even more because of that ! " said the others , and everyone laughed. 

