



 1.concede [kən'siːd]
 v. (不情愿地)承认, 让步
 The government has conceded (that) the new tax policy has been a disaster.
 concession  n. 让步;特许 


 2.*compromise ['kɒmprəmaɪz]
 v. / n. 妥协;折中 
 Encourage your child to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want. 


 3.antecedent [ˌæntɪ'siːd(ə)nt]
 n. 先例;祖先
 We shall first look briefly at the historical antecedents of this theory.   


 4.*recede  [rɪ'siːd]
 vi. 后退;减弱
 The flood waters finally began to recede in November. 
 recession  n. 衰退;不景气 
 economic recession  经济衰退 


 5.ebb [eb]
 n. 退潮;衰落 
 vi. 衰退;减少;潮退
 He could feel his strength ebbing (away). 


 6.*fade [feɪd]
 v. 褪色;凋谢;逐渐消失
 The memory of her childhood will never fade from her mind.


 7.precede [prɪ'siːd]
 v. 先于,走在……之前
 The earthquake was preceded by a loud roar and lasted 20 seconds. 


 8.precedent ['presɪd(ə)nt]
 n. 先例;前例 
 adj. 在前的;在先的
 There are several precedents for promoting people who don’t have formal qualifications. 


 9.*succeed [sək'siːd]
 v. 继承,接替;成功
 He succeeded his father as editor of the paper. 
 Very few people succeed in losing weight and keeping it off. 


 10.*exceed [ɪk'siːd]
 v. 超过,胜过
 He accepts that he was exceeding the speed limit. 
 exceedingly  adv. 极其,非常 


 11.*exceed [ɪk'siːd]
 v. 超过,胜过
 He accepts that he was exceeding the speed limit. 
 exceedingly adv. 极其,非常 


 12.*excessive [ɪk'sesɪv]
 adj. 过多的,极度的;过分的
 Excessive exercise can sometimes cause health problems.


 13.*excess [ek'ses]
 adj. 过量的,额外的 
 n. 过量,过度 
 An excess of enthusiasm is not always a good thing. 



