新概念英语1同步听力 Lessons 1-2

新概念英语1同步听力 Lessons 1-2

  • 听友234476812

    Shirt, Pen, Coat, House, Car, Excuse. Is this my pencil? Is this your book? That is a nice skirt. Is her handbag red? Is this his shirt? A: Excuse me, is this your schoolbag? B: Oh yes, it is. Thank you so much! A: Hi Susan, is this your pencil? B: No, it isn't . My pencil is long.

    往事如烟_4g 回复 @听友234476812: 👍👍

  • 听友234476812

    This is Alice's room. It's small but clean. Her handbag is on the table, it's blue. It's not very big but it is very nice. She bought it last month. She likes it very much. There's also a book and the watch on the table. The book is new. It is about travels.

  • 听友234476812

    Hello everyone, my name is Emily. This is my sister Ann, were twins. Today is our birthday, and we're very happy today. Look our gifts, this is my handbag, I like it very much. It's color is white. It's small but lovely. This is Ann's dress. It is red and white. It looks very nice on her.

  • 听友234476812

    A: Excuse me Sir. Is this your coat? B: Mine is in my bag. This black one maybe David's. A: Is this your car, Jerry? B: No, it's not mine. It's Jean's car. A: Excuse me, is there a hospital near here? B: Yes, it's over there.

  • 听友234476812

    A: Excuse me Sir, is this your mobile phone ? B: I beg your pardon? A: Is this your mobile phone ? B: Yes, it is. Many thanks. A: You're welcome.

  • 狗狗的阿猫


    子金传媒 回复 @狗狗的阿猫: 您好,可以在京东当当搜索子金传媒购买原书

  • 张旭_l8


    林蕙鸢 回复 @张旭_l8: 对,这是英式发音,特别是衬衣,区别好大

  • 成方元


    小猫咪1856 回复 @成方元: 原稿

  • 听友225968447


    大乔春天里 回复 @听友225968447: 你们怎么都拿英文说话呀,我都听不懂了😂😂😂

  • 意悠1
