专四听写基础训练 Passage 1

专四听写基础训练 Passage 1

  • 听友375612069


    华研教育 回复 @听友375612069: 改革后,第二、三遍仍然是逐句断开读,只不过是先逐句读完整篇(第二遍),再重复一遍,仍是逐句读完整篇(第三遍)。改革前,第二、三遍是合在一起读的,即每句重复读两遍,再到下一句重复读两遍。

  • 听友257451489

    怎么回事呀 五分钟之后就没有声音了

    华研教育 回复 @听友257451489: 同学你好,经查证,后面是有声音的,只是留了听写的时间,可以会有较长时间的停顿

  • 听友470457380

    现在改革不是一共听四遍,一句话重复两遍,然后最后再听一遍吗,我们上课老师也是一共放四遍 这个录音是老版的吧

    华研教育 回复 @听友470457380: 根据2022真题改革的最新模式,听写的第2、3遍由逐句重复的朗读方式改为全文读完第2遍再读第3遍。

  • 听友442770816


    华研教育 回复 @听友442770816: 此为图书配套音频,可购买相应图书看原文,在各电商搜书名可购买。

  • 仙女味的猫嘞个咪


    华研教育 回复 @仙女味的猫嘞个咪: 可以购买相应图书获取文本内容。

  • 偷吃辣条_

    The two children take the bus to school ./ Mother stays home cooking and cleaning / until father and the kids return home ./ This is the traditional picture of a happy family living in Britain .

    偷吃辣条_ 回复 @偷吃辣条_: The past 20 years have seen enormous changes / in the lives and structure of families in Britain ./ The biggest change has been caused by divorce ./ As many marriages now end in divorce ,/ many children live with one parent / and only see the other at week - ends or holidays .

  • 别太离谱了铬铁

    Changes in British families.Father leaves for work in the morning after breakfast.The two children take the bus to school.Mother stays home, cooking and cleaning until father and the kids return home.

  • 漫漫lucky

    The past 20 years have seen 老是听成has seen

  • 听友470457380


    流笙com 回复 @听友470457380: 改革了,念完第二遍才开始第三遍

  • Kittybabe

    我好像大概明白怎么区分大小写了 嘻嘻 之前一直区分不清楚

    漫漫lucky 回复 @Kittybabe: 取取经