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  • 玥玥女儿

    2.communicate. 女朋友现在对我不理不睬。 My girlfriend is giving me the cold shoulder. 感觉你对我们的关系并不那么上心❤。 It feels like you're not that dedicated to our relationship. 你不能置我于不顾。 You just can't turn your back on me . 你像扔垃圾似的把我扔到一边去。 You tossed me aside like a piece of trash. 实用对话 Complaining

  • 玥玥女儿

    4.seems like you treat it as just casual dating. Sean: How should I see it ? Tina: I don't want to be like this . I think we should take a step further. Sean: It has only been six months . Our relationship hasn't had a chance to mature yet.

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  • 玥玥女儿

    7.才六个月而已,我们的关系还没成熟呢。我们还有一些障碍得克服呢。 蒂娜:比如说? 肖恩:上个星期,我看到布莱恩亲你的脸颊了。 蒂娜:那只是亲脸颊而已。 肖恩:那就没事了?先是吻脸颊,转眼你们就可能在他的车后座上热吻了。 蒂娜:哦,这太荒谬了! 肖恩:那我吻别的女人👩的脸颊也可以了? 蒂娜:绝对不行! 肖恩:你瞧,我们还是有障碍。

  • 玥玥女儿

    6.Tina:Oh ,that's ridiculous! Sean:So is it okay if I kiss other woman on the cheek? Tina: Definitely not! Sean: You see. We still have a hurdle. 抱怨 蒂娜:你能严肃一会儿吗?我们已经交往六个月了,而且我真的喜欢你。我想让我们的关系能有进一步的发展。 肖恩:那你到底想跟我说什么? 蒂娜:感觉你对我们的关系并不那么上心。你好像只把它当作随便的交往而已 肖恩:那我应该怎么看? 蒂娜:我不想像现在这样。我觉得我们应该更进一步

  • 玥玥女儿

    5.There are still some hurdles we have to jump over. Tina:Like what ? Sean: Last week , I saw Brian kissing you on the cheek. Tina:It was only the cheek. Sean: So that is okay then? It starts on the cheek, and pretty soon you're French kissing in the back of his car.

  • 玥玥女儿

    3.Tina: Can you be serious for a moment? We've been dating for six months now and I really like you .I'd like to take our relationship to the next level. Sean: So what are you trying to say to me? Tina: It feels like you're not that dedicated to our relationship .

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