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Episode 1


This island unlocked the secret to long life—and knows how to get through tough times

Residents of Okinawa are some of the world’s healthiest and happiest. Strong social networks and good food may be why.



①In the village of Ogimi, located in the rural north of Okinawa’s main island, there’s a small stone marker with a few sentences written in Japanese. Roughly translated, they read: “At 80, you are merely a youth. At 90, if your ancestors invite you into heaven, ask them to wait until you are 100—then, you might consider it.”


②That’s not bluster. At the latest count, 15 of Ogimi’s 3,000 villagers are centenarians. One hundred and seventy-one are in their 90s. Even in Japan, which currently has more than 70,000 people aged 100 or over, that’s a remarkable statistic.


(图片来源: 国家地理 摄影师: David Mclain)

③Before COVID-19, travelers were beginning to take notice. Masataka Nozato at Ogimi Village Office says the town, far removed from the tourist trail, had started to see a slight increase in visitors curious about Okinawan longevity.

③在疫情前,旅行者们就已经开始注意到这个小村庄了。大宜味村村办公室的Masataka Nozato说,这个原本远离旅游路线的小镇,开始迎来了略微增加的访客量,都是些对冲绳长寿之秘感到好奇的人们。

④An island located south of mainland Japan, Okinawa is one of five places around the world that author and National Geographic explorer Dan Buettner calls a “blue zone,” where he says people live the longest, happiest lives. Others include Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece; and Loma Linda, California. Though travel to Okinawa and any blue zone is on hold for many, these towns offer lessons about surviving and thriving during difficult times, such as a pandemic.

④冲绳岛位于日本南部,是世界上被作家兼《国家地理》探索者Dan Buettner称为“蓝色地带”的五个地方之一。据他说,在蓝色地带生活的人们最长寿且最幸福。除了冲绳,其它几处包括意大利的撒丁岛,哥斯达黎加的尼科亚,希腊的伊卡里亚岛,和美国加利福尼亚州的洛马琳达。尽管许多人都暂缓了前往冲绳或者任何蓝色地区的旅行计划,但这些城镇给我们提供了在艰难时期生存和发展的经验,比如疫情时期。

⑤“Every longevity culture in the world suffered periods of hardships,” Buettner told TODAY. “They went through wars, famines, the same sorts of stresses that we’re suffering right now, and that’s a lesson for all of us.”

⑤“世界上每一个长寿文化都历经过磨难。” Buettner对《今日》说, “他们经历过战争、饥荒以及我们现在正在遭受的种种压力,这对我们所有人来说都是宝贵的经验。”

⑥What can Okinawans tell us? Why does Ogimi and elsewhere on the island have a history of long life? That comes down to three main factors—diet, social practices, and genetics—explains Craig Willcox, a professor of public health and gerontology at Okinawa International University and a co-principal investigator of the Okinawa Centenarian Study, which has been investigating Okinawan longevity since 1975.

⑥冲绳人能告诉我们什么?为什么大宜味村和岛上其他地方的长寿现象由来已久?冲绳国际大学公共卫生和老年学教授、“冲绳百岁老人研究”项目的联合首席调查员Craig Willcox解释的说,归根结底,主要因素有三:饮食、社会实践、遗传学。“冲绳百岁老人研究”项目从1975年就开始研究冲绳长寿之秘了。

⑦“About two-thirds of longevity is related to diet and way of life, the rest is genetics. Generally speaking, you need the genetic rocket booster if you want to get into the hundreds, not just a good diet,” Willcox says. “We haven’t looked into whether or not Okinawa has a genetic advantage over other parts of Japan, but longevity does run in families here.”

⑦“差不多三分之二的长寿与饮食和生活方式有关,其余的则是与遗传有关。一般来说,如果你想过百,就需要基因的强力助推,光靠好的饮食就不够了。” Willcox说,“我们还没有研究冲绳是否比日本其他地方更具遗传优势,但在这儿,长寿确实是家族世代相传的。”


1. According to National Geppraphic explorer Dan Buettner, what does a "blue zone" refer to?

2. Why does Okinawa have a history of long life?



  • 喜马拉雅英语频道

    今日1问:Do you like pandas as well? What do you like the most about them? 欢迎在评论区留言分享呀~

  • 7jo9n55s2q1ntfwrbc1w


  • 果艾妈

    yes,i do like the lovely appearance of pandas.

    喜马拉雅英语频道 回复 @果艾妈: Me too! They look so adorable!

  • 陈星星X


  • 仝豆豆


  • JSJ0512

  • 陈星星X

    天 熊叔声音太磁性了

  • 喂书给南墙

    Pandas look so fluffy!