Establish credibility and build prestige

Establish credibility and build prestige


Dear friends, today let's learn about how the Grand Duke of Jiang talked about establishing credibility and building prestige.


The Six Secret Strategic Teachings is an ancient Chinese military book. It was recorded in the book that King Wu of Zhou once asked the Grand Duke about how to build prestige, how to be clear about justice, and how to make people willingly obey his orders. The Grand Duke said, “Prestige can be established if people in high places get punished for their wrongdoings. To show that you can distinguish right and wrong with acuity, reward those of low social status for their good conducts. Being both impartial and cautious with rewards and punishments can enforce orders and prohibitions. Therefore, if one person's punishment should make the whole army shocked with fear, then make the punishment harsh; if one person's reward should make the whole army happy then do it without hesitation.”


The Grand Duke continued, “Punishing those with noble status shows that you are not partial to the top-level officials; honouring those with low status also shows that your rewards are not biased. Severe penalties can hinder the presumptuous officials. Increasing the rewards for the cattle-grazing and horse-raising soldiers can make them feel more included.  Hence the majesty of the leader will be naturally established. If one person is punished and the others remain indifferent and do not realise it was a warning, then such a leader will not gain respect even if many more people are punished in this way. If one person is knighted but no one is satisfied and no one is happy about his reward, then the leader has nothing to be admired for, and he has no genuine talent to convince others. If this is the case, the army will not follow his orders and he will loose the loyalty of his people."


This story tells us that to influence people at work or in our families, we must establish our own prestige, which lies in ethics and righteousness, and in knowing how to reward and punish effectively. Such a sincere and fearful attitude benefits not only kings but also each of us; we must be vigilant in life. The continuous improvement of one's morality can give rise to solemnity without fear.


Dear friends, the ancients are our best teachers. Let's learn about their stories together.  Everyone has the seeds of kindness, and when they take root, they will flourish.   That's the story for today. Thank you for listening, and see you next time!

