


Chapter 14
We Fight a Battle
“Did he come from Heaven?'' one of the prisoners whispered to another. 
'All true help comes from Heaven," I said.
 One of the men looked at me and said, 'Are you really gong to help us? Is this a sign from God? Are you a real man, or an angel?
I smiled. "I think if God had sent an angel to help you, he would not be dressed in animal skins! And, would a real angel need guns?"
The men began to look less frightened.
"No, gentlemen, I am an Englishman, like you," I said. "I have lived on this island for many years. My servant and I have come to help you."
“Do you see that ship there?" one of the men said. He pointed out to sea at the large ship. I nodded.
“I am the ship's captain—or I was, until my men got angry and decided to fight against me." He looked at the other men with him. "This is my friend, and this is a passenger we had on the ship. My men told me they were going to kill us. But then they saw this island, and they decided it would be fun to leave us here, to die slowly! They thought no one lived here."
“Well, they were wrong, and they will be sorry for it!” I said. 'Are they all asleep?"
"Yes, they drank too much," the captain's friend said. "But speak softly sir. If they wake up and see you here, they will kill us all!"
"Do they have guns?" I asked.
"They have two guns, that is all," the captain said. He looked at the many guns and knives Friday and I had with us.
"Well then," I said, "do not worry. If they are drunk and sleeping, it will be easy to kill them. Or we could take them for prisoners!" I said, taking out my knife.
"Wait, sir. They don't all deserve to die," said the captain, "The two leaders, the ones who do not like me, are terrible men. They told everyone else to disobey me. But I think the others would return to their duties, if these two were gone."
“Which two men are they?” I asked, looking at the sleeping men. They were lying on the beach like dead people.
"I can't see them from here," the captain said.
"Well then," I said, "we will go into the woods and make a plan, so they don't hear us."
When we had gone into the woods, I said to the captain, "I will help you, if you do two things for me."
"We’ll do anything you want!" said the captain. "You can become our leader, and we will sail to any part of the world you want to see!"
"Yes, certainly!”said the two other men.
"That is exactly what I want.” I said. "While you are on this island, I am the leader I have lived here for more than twenty-five years, and I know how to handle these men. You must do what I tell you. But if I need to, I will ask your opinions."
They all nodded.
“The second thing I ask is, if I help you rescue your ship, you must take me and my servant back to England."
Again, they all said yes.
"If we can rescue our ship, sir;" said the captain, “We will owe you our lives."
I gave him and his companions some guns to shoot.
We all went back to the beach, where the men lay sleeping. "What do you think we should do?" I asked.
"Well, sir, I think you should be the leader here. Maybe you should decide what is best. But I don't want to kill anyone without good reason," said the captain. "However, I did tell you that the two men who tied us up are very terrible men."
Just then, two of the men stood up.
'Are those men the two bad ones?" I asked.
The captain said no.
"Captain, I don't care if these men are not so bad. We cannot let them get away If they do, they will help the leaders to escape also. Do you want that to happen?" I said.
The captain was about to shoot them when suddenly the captain's friend and the passenger shot their guns. One of the men fell dead, and the other was very hurt. The captain walked over to where the hurt man stood, holding his side.
"It's too late to cry for help now!" he said. He hit him so hard that the man must have died immediately
By this time, three of the other men had woken up. When they saw their dead friends, they begged us not to hurt them.
“We'll do anything you want. Please don't kill us," one of the men cried.
“We,ll help you get the ship back," said another.
The captain looked at me.
"I will let you decide what to do," I said to the captain. "But if you let them live, their hands and feet will be tied while they are on my island."
While the captain and I tied up the men, Friday and the captain's friend got the smaller boat and the oars.
Now the other men had woken up, and ran over to us. When they saw the two dead bodies and the other men all tied up, they immediately surrendered to us.
Now we could get the ship back! Our victory was complete! 
Finally the captain was able to ask me how I came to the island. He listened with amazement as I told him my story I told him how I had learned to find and grow food, build a home, and make clothes and tools.
The captain could not believe I had done all this. "Sir, you are a truly wonderful man," is all he could say
After I finished my story I took the captain and his friends to my house, where I gave them something to eat and drink.
These men were very interested in my house and how I had so cleverly made it and hidden it in the trees. Over time, the trees I had planted had grown and become a little forest. I had cut a path through this forest that led to my house.
"I also have a garden where I spend time," I told the captain.
When I described it to him, he said, "this sounds like a beautiful paradise, sir! I must see it!"
"Of course we can go and see the garden. But first we must get your ship back!" I said.
"I think it is impossible,” he said sadly.
"Nothing is impossible!” I said.
“There are still twenty-six men on the ship," he said. "They fought against me, and they will not let us sail to England or America. In those countries, they would be killed like the criminals they are."
“他来自天堂吗?”其中一个俘虏低声 对另一位。
 其中一人看着我说:“你真要帮助我们 吗?这是上帝的意思吗?你是人还是天使?“
我笑了笑说:“我想如果上帝派天使来 救你们,他决不会穿着动物皮做的衣服! 再说真正的天使需要枪吗?”
“不,先生,我是一个英国人,像你们 一样,”我说,“我在这个岛上住了很多年。我和我的仆人是来救你们的。”
“你们看见那边的船了吗?”其中一人 指着海上的大船说。我点点头。
“我曾是那艘船的船长——后来我手下 的人有了怨气,背叛了我。”他看着其他人 说道:“这是我的朋友,这是我们船上的一名乘客。我手下的人威胁说要杀掉我们, 但他们看到这个岛时,便决定把我们留在 这儿慢慢等死,这样才够味!他们认为这 儿荒无人烟。”
“那么,他们错了,这么做他们会后悔 的!”我说,“他们都睡着了吗?”
“是的,他们喝多了,”船长的朋友说, “但说话轻点,先生。如果他们醒来时发现 你在这儿,一定会把我们统统杀掉!”
“他们有两支枪,就这些。”船长看着 我和星期五带的许多枪和刀说。
“那好,”我说,“不用担心。如果他们 都喝醉睡着了,杀掉他们很容易。或者 我们可以抓住他们当俘虏!”我说着就拔 出刀。
“等等,先生。他们并不都该去死,” 船长说,“只有两个人是罪魁祸首,他们讨 厌我,让其他所有人反对我。但我认为, 如果除掉这两个恶人后,其他人可重新各 归其位。”
“是哪两个人?”我看着那些睡着的人, 问道。他们像死人一样躺在海滩上。
“那好,”我说,“我们到树林里制定计 划,这样他们就听不见我们说话了。”
我们走进树林时,我对船长说:“如果 你答应我两件事,我就将帮助你。”
“我们愿意为你做任何事情!”船长说, “你可以当头领,我们将按你的意愿,航行 到世界上你想看的任何地方!”
“那就是我想要的。”我说,“你们在这 岛上时,我是领导。我在这儿已经生活了 二十五年多了,知道如何对付这些人。我 让你们做什么,你们就得做什么。但如果 有必要,我将征求你们的意见。”
“我要求的第二个条件是,如果我帮你 们救了你们的船,你们必须把我和我的仆人送到英国去。”
“噢,先生,我认为您应该是这儿的头 领。也许应该由你来决定怎么做最好。但 我不愿无缘无故杀死任何人。”船长说,“然 而,我告诉过你那两个把我们绑起来的人 是卑鄙的家伙。”
“船长,我不管这些人是否那么坏。我 们不能放他们走。如果他们跑了,就会 帮主谋逃走。你想让那样的事发生吗?” 我说。
船长就要开枪,这时船长的朋友和乘 客突然开了枪。其中一人倒地死了,另一 个受了重伤。船长奔向被打伤的那个人, 他站在那儿,捂着身体的一侧。
“现在求饶太晚了!”他说。这一枪打 得太重了,那个人肯定立刻就死了。
这时,其他三个人也醒了。他们看见 死去的同伴时,乞求我们不要伤害他们。
“我们可为你做任何事。请不要杀我 们。”其中一人哭着说。
“我把这事交给你了,”我对船长说, “但如果你决定让他们活着,他们待在我的 岛上时,一定要把他们的手脚捆住。”
在船长和我捆绑这些人时,星期五和 船长的朋友取来了一条小船和船桨。
这时,其他人也醒了,跑到我们身旁。 他们看见两具死尸和其他人都被捆起来时, 立即向我们投降了。
现在我们可以把船夺回来了!我们大 获全胜!
船长终于顾得上问我是怎样来到岛上 的。他吃惊地听着我的故事。我告诉他我 如何学会发现和种植食物、建房子、做衣 服和制造工具。
船长不相信我做了所有这一切,他只 是说:“先生,你真是太了不起了。”
讲完我的故事后,我带着船长和他的 朋友来到我的房子里,给了他们一些吃的 和喝的东西。
他们对我的房子,以及我如何聪明地 建造房子并让它隐蔽在树丛里非常感兴趣。 很长时间过去了,我种的小树已经长成了 一小片树林。我在树林中砍出的一条小路 通向我的房子。
“我还有一座花园,我在那儿消磨时 光。”我对船长说。
当我向他描述时,他说:“听起来像一 个美丽的天堂,先生!我一定要去看看!”
“我们当然可以去看看花园。但我们首 先必须先把船夺回来!”我说。
“船上还有26个人,”他说,“由于叛 变,他们不会让我们把船开到英国或美国 的。在那些国家,他们会像罪犯一样被处 死的。”

  • 蝴蝶兰_vj


    英语乐园 回复 @蝴蝶兰_vj: 很高兴您喜欢。

  • 匿名用户hh
