Day 1

Day 1

  • Maggie_0r


    Frank弗蘭克2022 回复 @Maggie_0r: 我有电子档案,需要吗?

  • 听友298699367

    9-focus. i had expected a lot about sales strategies, which was what they usually concentrate on, but the focus was on staff motivation this time.

  • 听友298699367

    8-employ. The final item on the agenda concerns security. I want to discuss whether we should employ consultants to advise us about this.

  • 听友298699367

    7-information. Now our priority is getting different parts of the organisation to share the information they collect on customers including feedback and we’ve seen positive results already.

  • 听友298699367

    10-project. I’m not saying that once a goal or time scale is decided, there’s no room for flexiblity or revising it, but at least my staff can’t complain they don’t know where they’re going with the project.

  • 听友298699367

    6-sale. According to the recent market research undertaken, the sales of MX310 printer have not been inspiring, because of the technical defects of the product.

  • 听友298699367

    5-manager. Manager should be able to obtain information about their department to assess the contribution their department is marking to the organization.

  • 听友298699367

    4-market. We advertised the product very heavily as it was important to secure a share in the market.

  • 听友298699367

    3-customer. There’re a growing number of practical business courses at various universities which claim to give their students a necessary understanding of procedures and how customers’ minds work.

  • 听友298699367

    2-staff. As a manager, I have to say I expect a hundred percent from staff at all time.