therapy dog

therapy dog


简单的课堂材料:Therapy Dog

Jean Owen is a dog trainer and volunteer with Therapy Dogs International, an organization that provides specially trained dogs and their handlers for visits to nursing homes, hospitals and other institutions. Therapy Dogs International, based in New Jersey, is one of a growing number of organizations that believes that the comfort and love of a pet can increase a person's physical and emotional well-being, promote healing and improve the quality of life.

Therapy Dogs International was founded in 1976 by Elaine Smith, a registered nurse who observed the benefits of pets interacting with patients. Studies have shown that holding or petting an animal can lower a person's blood pressure, release tension and ease loneliness and depression. Since September (terrorist attacks), dog trainer Jean Owen has spent a lot of time visiting firehouses and Red Cross respite* centers for workers at Ground Zero. 

In New York City, there continues to be a need for specially trained dogs to comfort people who have been traumatized* by disaster. One victim remarked, "With people, you have to talk about your feelings. But a dog knows how you're feeling." 

