11.4 美音朗读版

11.4 美音朗读版

  • fushoujun

    We have to learn to tolerate each other, we have to learn to put up with the fact that  some people say things that we don’t like. We can only live together in that way .

  • ll美美520

    We have to learn to tolerate each other. We have to learn to put up with the fact that some people say things that we don't like. We can only live together in that way

  • 1778609qpin


  • 淡然人生_is

    Toler each other

  • 頃禾之声

    We have to learn to tolerate each other. We have to learn to put up with the fact that some people say things that we don't like. We can only live together in that way总有人会说些我们不爱听的话。忍耐彼此,才能共生

  • ll美美520

    There will always be struggle. You just have to pick who you want to struggle with

  • 听友246361965

    we have to learn to tolerate each other. We have to learn to put up with the fact that some people say things that we don’t like.we can only live together in that way .

  • JennySun1

    We have to learn to tolerate each other. We have to learn to put up with the fact that some people say things that we don't like. We can only live together in that way