003孔子 Confucius and Chinese philosophy【video视频】

003孔子 Confucius and Chinese philosophy【video视频】

  • 月牙_ka

    He traveled around to promote his political thinking but failed. But he never gave up. Kongzi is a great Chinese spiritual leader. Over the last 2,000 years, his philosophy has continued to influence China and the rest of the world. It is also regarded as the symbol of Oriental Culture.

  • 月牙_ka

    Confucianism emphasized self- cultivation, harmoniousrelationships with each other and respect for the elderly. Friends should be honest to each other, ruler should make an effort to provide a happy life for people. He was a great teacher as well and promoted education for ordinary people. He trav

    辰辰星期五 回复 @月牙_ka: 感谢🙏

  • 月牙_ka

    Born in 551 BC, Coufucius, kongzi, has made the greatest contribution to Chinese culture of anyone in history. Although he was raised in a poor family, he visited famous scholars and learned a lot. He developed his thoughts into a system of philosophy known as confucianism.

    辰辰星期五 回复 @月牙_ka: