【英音跟读版】 Lesson 2职业发展-Part 2

【英音跟读版】 Lesson 2职业发展-Part 2


1. I’ve always dreamt ofbeing a great civil engineer in the public sector.

a. I’ve always dreamt of being a realtor.

2. I’m very excited about advancing my career at your company.

a. I’m very excited about meeting our local suppliers.

3. I definitely see myself still employed at this company in 5 years.

a. I definitely see myself promoted this time next year.

4. I’m the type of person who just gets things done.

a. I’m the type of person who hates to be late.

5. Over the next few years, I’d like to develop my project management skills.

a. Over the next few years, I’d like to develop my people skills.

b. Over the next few years, I’d like to develop my computer skills.

6. I plan to learn the ins and outs of the business to improve the efficiency of the team.

a. I plan to apply for this position.

7. Although it’s hard to predict where I will be in 5 years, I will do my best to be a well-respected professional in my field.

8. Your company has the most advanced technology, which is a big reason why I would love to build a long-term career here.

a. Your company has the most human corporate culture, which is a big reason why I would love to build a long-term career here.

  • 上阳君


    英语听说名师Derek 回复 @上阳君: 谢谢客官