13Primrose —樱花草

13Primrose —樱花草



it was a cold day in early march

everyone in the village was going about
their daily work
and everything was just as usual except
for one thing a strange little girl
holding a bouquet of primroses standing
at the door
of a farmhouse she could not remember
she was or how she got there
but something within her told her to
yes what do you want who are you
i i don't quite remember mem
what what do you mean you don't remember
look i have lots of work to do so
don't waste my time
um can i come in it's rather cold
not what is the matter just look at this
she does not even know who she is or
where she came from
or even her name or all she wants is to
well look at the silk she is wearing in
the flowers she carries
she must be the daughter of a rich man
and she must have got lost
i expect that whoever takes care of her
will receive a big reward from her
if you don't want her i'll keep her oh
you won't
she will stay here with us
and the little girl started staying with
the farmer's family
since she had a bunch of flowers with
her when she had come
they started calling her primrose when
after a few weeks
no rich man came looking for his
wake up primrose go take the cows out
crazy and before that feel the water
from the well
water the garden and mop the get up
little primrose was made to do all the
work of the house from morning to night
but she did not complain and went about
her work cheerfully
she loved to graze the cows as that gave
her some peace and quiet
but she was lonely and longed for a
one day i think your brother's in the
i don't have a brother oh yes he must be
like you
he does not know where he came from we
saw him hobbling on crutches
he seems to be sick sick
and hobbling on crutches poor boy
where did you see him is he staying with
someone in the village
he is alone and he is living in that old
 by the path to the forest
that's all i know and that's all i care
so stop irritating me with your
primrose's tender heart longed to help
this sick boy
so as soon as she could she went to see
hello they call me primrose
and they call me the sick boy i have got
some hay to make a bed for you
and a blanket you are so kind
i just know how it feels to be lonely
and unloved
well that makes us two of a kind doesn't
like a brother and sister i don't
remember ever having any family
neither do i can we be brother and
yes indeed primrose would meet the boy
every day and bring him the food she
would save up from her own share
one day when he looked even paler than
i wish i could bring you some medicine
to make you well again
no medicine will not cure me
if medicine won't cure you then what
you might find it really strange but
i get this feeling that the only thing
that can cure me
is a cake a cake
i know it seems really silly but
something inside me tells me
that i really need a cake to become
better i just know it
primrose was determined to get cake for
her brother
so on the next baking day ma'am
can i please have one small cake for the
sick boy
oh first i have to keep you
and now look after some strange sick boy
not one crumb will you get from here huh
cake for the sick boy primrose was
really sad but she did have some money
which some neighbors had given her for
odd jobs she sometimes did for them
that night she counted it it was a whole
six pence
surely that might be enough to buy a
small cake
to cure her sick brother she made up her
mind to buy a cake the next day
but before she could primrose
primrose yes ma'am
you have six pants don't you what do you
need them for
i need five pens for this saucepan give
me the money
oh please let me keep the money i have
saved it to get a cake for the sick boy
it is always about the sick boy don't
forget that we are the ones who keep you
now just hand me the money
primrose now only had one penny left
she couldn't buy a cake with that but a
surely a bun is as good as a cake she
was about to put the penny
in her pocket when her foster brother
suddenly snatched it from her
i want this to buy some candy oh please
i have saved up a penny to buy a bun for
the sick boy
forget about that sick boy you live in
our home
that day when she went to the forest to
graze the cows
she cried and cried suddenly
she heard the sweetest voice ever
no cake no bun to take for her sick
brother to become
well again uh who is speaking
down here primrose
and primrose saw the tiniest little
an actual fairy with wings standing on
top of a primrose flower
she was aghast so
you need a cake is it
uh yes to make my sick brother well
i have an option for you look your
foster family treats you no better than
a servant
so come with me i shall take you to a
where you shall have a castle and
servants to serve you
and dresses of silk and cakes and
puddings and pies every day
you will be treated like a princess and
have nothing to feel sad about ever
it is either that or the cake
take the cake make the sick boy better
and then continue staying like a servant
for the family
what is it going to be make a wise
choice thank you for all those wonderful
things that you spoke of
but i should not be able to enjoy any of
them knowing that my brother is sick and
when i could have made him well i choose
the cake please
immediately there was a flash of light
as though someone had switched on
hundreds of lights in the sky and
primrose saw so many little fairies
hovering all around her flying busily
some carried pots of pollen and poured
it into a huge
bowl of light while some others stirred
a huge ladle made of light
in the bowl then the bowl turned to a
round oven
of red light and the sweetest most
beautiful aroma
of sweet baking filled the air then
in a flash fairies carried to primrose
a cake that looked like a pearl
thank you so much in a flash
all the fairies disappeared and primrose
ran to her brother
i brought you a cure i brought your cure
have this
and become well again the boy began
eating the cake as primrose told him
all that had happened and then the boy's
body was filled with bright light
and when the light disappeared instead
of the boy
she saw standing before her a prince
and not really a human one
oh primrose now i remember
i remember it all what are you
talking about don't you remember me
i am the prince of the creatures of
light and you
you the fairy princess
oh yes
and it was time for us to it was time
for us
to undergo the test
come here primrose prince light
for centuries the creatures of light and
have lived in harmony serving this world
our friendship is very important to
maintain order in nature
well my son you will one day rule my
kingdom of light but only the one who
can bear
darkness with forbearance can understand
the true importance of light and
only one who can smile in the time of
who can choose to be kind to others when
no one is kind to her
deserves to rule the kingdom of the
so we send you both to earth as ordinary
to test the strength of your heart
that's why we remembered nothing
yes and now we do do you think we passed
yes you did you passed with flying
you were sick and abandoned but you
never complained
and you chose the happiness of another
over your own even though others were
mean to you
both of you have made us proud now it is
time for you to return home
so all the fairy folk got into a grand
chariot of light
and flew over the village as they flew
over the farm
primrose flew down and kept a bouquet of
golden primroses
at their doorstep and left the world of
humans forever
well you and i may not be fairies but
when we are
kind even in the face of meanness and
when we bear our troubles
without complaining magic happens and we
soon find our lives full of love and

