



播音:小鸡 懿巧心


今天是2020年9月14日,大三开学的第一周,我春困、我夏乏、我秋倦、我冬眠,拖着疲惫的脚步,我蹒跚地朝着宿舍的方向...It is a cyclic process, every morning I wake up, and say “I am really tired...I wanna rest, I just wanna rest.” 每天早晨第一句,就是我想要休息!




Today is a happy day, and everyday is a happy day! Hello everyone, welcome to English Panorama, I’m Daisy, nice to see u !

大家好,我是小鸡,欢迎来到福说英语。经过我的神级推算,这应该是我的最后一期节目了,I concluded that this is my last program, omg, such a terrible news, I am so so sad! 想到这儿,大三老人不由得老泪纵横。

Emm, the real reason is I just wondering what topic I can choose to write the script of my new program. I even want to pick a random theme.呃呃,哭泣的真实原因是,我又在遭遇那祖传的江郎才尽,辗转反侧,想节目主题想破了头,心里甚至暗暗想着要不抓阄选一个吧,确实快来不及录节目了。However, my conscience, oh, maybe my determination to guard the quality of my program, it makes me to deal my final show with the right attitude. 但此时,心中的良知,哦不,是对节目质量的坚定守护,指引着我应该认真画上这个圆满的句号。


(铃声)Back to the real world!想着想着我又回到现实了,因为提醒我做访谈纲要的闹钟响了 。New term, new tiredness, such a fast pace! 新学期,新的征程,新课程,加倍疲累。这样的课程节奏,让我直呼Omg!Provided I am the teacher who have the right to arrange the curriculum, I swear I will cut the courses in half, no matter how! 私下里跟同学讨论的时候,说到,假如我是课程设置主任,我一定拿掉至少两节专业课,在所不惜!在所不惜!

Suddenly,the inspiration appears in my mind, I can share my method concerning how to live better in this terrible-course-ocean.







在繁忙的学期,适当地嵌入休息,并且是心无杂念放空地休息,给自己一点时间发呆偷懒,说不定会收获更多!That is my method, simple but useful! Try to have a rest or nap in the term, and it is not, definitely not, not the lazy time with busy mind, instead, we need the time to blank your brain. Presumably, you think it is a waste of time, but try, just try, you will get something back.





人们放空自己的权利,在无意间被剥夺了。The right of blanking ourselves is deprived unintentionally.打小开始,如果我们停下来发呆和走神,就会被认为是“因懒惰而停止思考”,是拖延症的表现,在心理学上被定义为心智游移(Mind Wandering)。

Since our childhood, we will be defined as lazy people if we stop thinking for a second, which is the sign of procrastination, in addition, it named Mind Wandering.


但事实上,偶尔发呆,与现实世界“断开连接”,会是重拾生活、收获灵感的催化剂。But in fact, it can be a kind of catalyzer to gain inspiration when we occasionally losing touch with the real world.研究发现,心智游移能产生更多的顿悟,这也是心理学家提出来的“酝酿效应”。And according to the research, Mind Wandering will generate more sudden enlightenment which is “brewing effect” put forward by psychologists.

Archimedes found the law of buoyancy is brewing effect of classic stories.它最初源于“阿基米德测皇冠”的故事。At that time , he just didn’t know the way to reckon the purity of the crown, so he made a wise decision to take a shower, andin that process, he found that he could solve the problem with 浮力原理。当阿基米德想不出如何测算皇冠纯度时,就去澡堂洗澡了,结果一坐进澡盆,看到水往外溢,就灵机一动,巧用浮力原理解决了问题。



在效率至上的今天,发呆是一件不容易被允许的事。Today, we race for the productive life, therefore, it seems prohibited when we losing touch with the issues.我们总觉得自己要分秒必争,Do we really need to full our life with the work and study?但其实浮生偷得的那半点闲,会把我们从日常的死胡同中拉出来。只有当我们眼睛不再刻意攫取什么东西,我们才会发现那些平常忽略的解题角度。所以,也许哪天你用一杯咖啡的时间,就解决了困扰你一周的难题。




我不知道这算不算一个圆满的句号,从第一期节目开始,我就想通过我的节目传递一种“happy day”的思想,分享我营造“happy day”的秘诀。(生活秘诀混剪)

节目的最后我该说些什么呢,想到周杰伦的稻香“笑一个吧,功成名就不是目的,让自己快乐快乐这才叫做意义~”Just be happy,ok, that’s all,  thank you~Goodbye my friends and good bye.

