


Can you clean your room?
Clear up your desk.
Your room is too dirty.
I just cleaned up.
You should clean your own room.
I can't even walk by.
There's no room to walk.
Where should this go?
How can a person live in here?
Junk is all over the place.
It's hard to find things now.
Your messy room drives me crazy.
I'll come by in 10 minutes.
I want to be it clean by then.
My brother did it, too.Why should I clean it alone?
I didn't make this mess.
Help your brother clean up.
Want to have a match to see who can clean up
Your teacher is coming soon, so let's clean it.
Call mommy when you're done cleaning.
What do you do when you're done playing?
I need to clean up.
Let's organize them by color.
Place them according to their size.
Mom,where does this toy go?
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    途正Annie戴 回复 @听友291371253: 您的坚持不懈给了我莫大的动力。🙏❤️

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