22 - Clairvoyant

22 - Clairvoyant

  • 王二狗Mark

    Having exceptional powers of perception, unusually clear-sighted or discerning; specifically, able to see objects or events that others cannot, having extrasensory perception or the power of divination. Clairvoyant comes through French from the Latin clarus, clear, and videre, to see. By derivation clairvoyant means having the power to see clearly what others cannot.

  • 王二狗Mark

    The corresponding noun clairvoyance means exceptional insight or perception, the ability to see things others can't. Clairvoyant may also be used to mean a person who supposedly possesses the power to see into the future, a medium, soothsayer. With the advent of modern science, clairvoyance has fallen into disrepute. Yet economists continually attempt to be clairvoyant (though they rarely are), and many ordinary people experience occasional clairvoyant moments full of startling, exceptional insight.

  • Make_It_Happen

    clairvoyant: being able to clearly see what others cannot