21 - Diurnal

21 - Diurnal

  • 王二狗Mark

    Diurnal comes from the Latin diurnus, belonging to or lasting for a day. The ocean's tides and the rotation of the earth are diurnal; their cycles are completed in the course of a day. At work your diurnal duties are the tasks you perform every day. If your coworker Joanne complains every day about not getting a raise, that's her diurnal complaint. Perhaps if Joanne made reading Verbal Advantage part of her diurnal routine, she might eventually get that raise and get off your back. Diurnal is also used to mean active during the day, as opposed to nocturnal, active during the night.

  • 蓝野TAOZI

    作者真是机智,如果你看书他就写“Perhaps if Joanne made reading Verbal Advantage ”而你要是听音频他就写“Perhaps if Joanne made listening Verbal Advantage ”

  • 王二狗Mark

    Daily, recurring each day, performed or happening in the course of a day.