每年纽约大学邀请的演讲嘉宾都不会令人失望,2017年也不例外,邀请到的是著名说唱歌手和歌曲制作人Pharrell WIlliams。没错!大家耳熟能详的《Happy》就是他唱的!Pharrell WIlliams曾获得11次格莱美奖,并且获得过两届奥斯卡金像奖的提名,同时还拥有自己的潮牌,人称“菲董”。
Thank you. Hi everybody.
I'd like to start by thanking President Andrew Hamilton, Trustees and the NYU students and faculty for welcoming me into your halls last year and letting me have an experience that I honestly could have never imagined.
And I want to thank all of you for this humbling experience today. This is major. It's heavy. I am grateful. My mom is a lifelong educator — so this is gonna look good for me.
To be a part of a group like this is unimaginable. To speak on behalf of our group is an honor that I am notsure if I am qualified for. Their accomplishments...The body of work represented on this stage is staggering. We have history-makers. Miracle-workers in their own way. If their names aren't on buildings yet, they will be.
I like to say that I am forever a student, and its people like this that I'll forever learn from. They are fearless, boundless, multi-disciplined and multi-talented. They break down barriers and embody the focus and dedication this planet needs — even if, for Mark Kelly, it means leaving it from time to time.
Some may call them public servants, but their work is actually in service of humanity and standing with them here today… and it's blowing my mind.
In this day and age, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that it's the people who serve humanity, that make our world go around. Most media and certainly social media would lead you to believe otherwise.
This group’s work doesn't fuel gossip. Sadly, it doesn't generate a lot of clicks amongst a sea of headlines designed to bait. Their work is often too important to be boiled down to just a quick headline. Their work has never been more important, yet as a society, we seem to celebrate less important achievements far more frequently. I am glad to be a part of a moment that recognizes these people.
Think about it… these great scientists, public servants, and activists cannot be bothered with building their Instagram followers. Or how many views they get on Youtube... But they are the realinfluencers. Their work makes us healthier, safer, more enriched, and more intelligent. Their work is designed to improve the quality of life for allpeople, not just themselves.
They are notmotivated by attention. But rather, they aremotivated by the idea of creating change. For the better.
I personally find that incredibly inspiring. I hope you do as well.
NYU — the school you all chose to attend — is going out of its way to honor this distinguished group. What will they honor you for someday? What will they honor you for?
Speaking to you guys today has me charged up. As you find your ways to serve humanity, it gives me great comfort knowing this generation is the first that understands that we need to lift up our women. Imagine the possibilities when we remove imbalance from the ether. Imagine the possibilities when women are not held back. Your generation is unraveling deeply entrenched laws, principles and misguided values that have held women back for far too long and therefore, have held us allback. The world you will live in will be better for it.
This is the first generation that navigates the world with the security and confidence to treat women as equal. You are the first ever. Our country has never seen this before. It makes some people uncomfortable. But just imagine the possibilities.
Today is in many ways a celebration of higher education.
I am forever a student... I believe it is a trait we all share. Yet we live in a time when a great education is harder and harder to come by.
But like anything in life, if there is enough demand, somebody will supply it.
To the graduates, you might think your time in education is done, but after you leave here today, I am asking you to let your actions out there in the world... fuel the demand for better education. Engage and inspire — whether on an individual level or loudly within your communities. Talk about your accomplishments. Be humble, but not too humble. Don't be invisible.
Sidebar... The days of being an anonymous activist or participant are over. How can we inspire if we are only behind the scenes? How will an anonymous donation ever inspire another? That was the way of previous generations. Don't be like them.
Let your actions serve as an endorsement for education and watch the demand rise.
Shining a light on a group of individuals like these on this stage also helps fuel the demand. It's why all of us standing here do what we do.
That same gene — those same feelings and adrenaline that fuel US — is inside all of you as well. Just like you, these recipients are brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters. We all put our pants on one leg at a time.We all have a daily commute, but we do so with an eye towards something bigger. Serving humanity.
There is no humanity without education. There is no education without demand.
You are all walking endorsements for education. Embrace it.
Thank you again to the students and faculty at NYU. Thank you to these remarkable individuals that I am standing with here. For your service, leadership and inspiration. We are all forever grateful.
Thank you.
Perfect !